Blog Comments

  1. tiny2383's Avatar
    yes. i have a few ideas running thru my head but most of them seem bulky and messy.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    so what are you looking for like a hob or something
  3. tiny2383's Avatar
    i saw most of those. my problem is that i dont have a sump. maybe i just need to have one.
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    thought id add that when running one of these you need to run a relatively large amount of carbon for the system to keep the water from yellowing
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    yea was going to say phil had a pretty good design but henry beat me to it there is a site dedicated to this at
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
  7. Nitro's Avatar
    We have dwarf seahorses. The tank is an 18 gal with a hang on filter and hang on skimmer. I leave the skimmer and filter off all day and keep live bbs in the tank. At night I run the filter and skimmer to clean the water. I do 10% water changes twice a week. I even run the siphon over the top of the sand.
    If you are going to keep the larger seahorses you can use a hang on the back filter and skimmer, just be sure you turn them off when you feed the seahorses. Use a half a shell or a small saucer and put the food on it. When they are finished eating use a turkey baster and take out any uneaten food. That will help with the water quality a little. You still need to do water changes at least once a week or more depending on how many you get.
  8. melev's Avatar
    You are going to want to do more research about the needs of the particular species you want to keep. 60g is a nice size, as it gives them some room to roam and enjoy some vertical space.

    Lower temperatures are best, as well as less lighting that otherwise hurts their eyes. You can use a HOB filter if you like, and keep up with water changes to remove waste. With seahorses, what they eat goes out 75% undigested, so water quality can decline with all that waste in the tank. Cyano is another issue that arises because less flow and higher nutrient water.