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her tank

  1. shopping

    Hey everybody,
    I LOVE to just wander through saltwater stores. Im wondering if anyone knows good ones in the southern california area. There is only one nearby in the high desert, but is pretty poor to say the least. I've been going to global aquatics in ontario (about 45 min away) and love it. But, im always on the lookout for new shops to check out. Thanks for any help!
  2. new

    Hey everybody,
    Well, im new here, and this is my first blog..... EVER. Anyways, I found this site from an extremely hepful diy on melevesreef about building with acrylic. Just finished doing a sump on my girlfriends tank. All seems to be well with it, and I'm very happy with the outcome. Ill definately be posting pics and info on it all soon. But, the basics are that we both have a 20 gallon reef tank that has become an obsession. Anyways, that's it for now, and there'll be tons more very ...
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