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Tank Entry

  1. RBTA finally split!

    I've had my RBTA for about a year and a half now and it's only gotten larger, never splitting. Well, after I moved him over to my new frag tank as part of my tank upgrade he finally did! I now have 2 RBTA's in there. Hopefully I'll be able to trade or sell the clone for enough to replace my little yellow bellied hippo tang that died in the move and get a little more sand.

    Updated 07-19-2010 at 01:12 PM by Mits

    Tank Entry
  2. Another 90/50 update

    I got both tanks plumbed together into my tiny sump and waited a couple days to make sure everything looks good. It does, so today I moved a lot of my coral over. I took out everything that wasn't on a huge rock. I still have an encrusing monti and a table acro in the 55, along with a small clam that has attached to his rock that I don't have room for. I also got out my RBTA and percs, but I'm hoping to borrow a fish trap for the rest. I can't believe how small my RBTA is when stressed out ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  3. 90/50 combo tank update

    I finally finished the stands and pretty much one canopy, so I was able to move the smaller tank into the house! I've already mixed new saltwater in the 50, and it's now sitting there with some good flow to really reach equilibrium before I plumb it into the existing 55 by adding another return to the sump. Is there anything I should consider as far as shocking my main tank beside temp and salinity? It's the same salt I already use so think of it as a massive water change reservoir sitting next ...
    Tank Entry
  4. 90/50 update - new aquascaping attempt!

    I'm still building my combo 90/50 system with 2 stands that will come together to look like 1, and I'm ready to build the canopies. The tanks are on the stands and the frag tank is running in a water/vinegar bath to clean it up a little. I also decided to run my older powerheads in the vinegar bath while I was at it, and my Koralia 3 was one of them. I thought I shook everything out, but once I put it in the vinegar water out came 15 pods, 5 asterinas and one mini brittle star. Needless to say ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  5. Help me plan my 90 system!

    OK, so I've had this multi stage plan going on for a while now, and it's finally starting to take shape. I had a 50" 1080p TV that I was ready to replace with one on the wall, and use the old one to trade for a bigger tank than my current 55 reef. The only catch was that I had to sell a car that had been sitting in my driveway for 20 months to buy the new TV. Well, I put the car up for sale and got a buyer THAT NIGHT! So the next day I get the new TV, and now have the trade bait ready to ...
    Tank Entry
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