Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. We appreciate it.
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Cool man, Glad you are enjoying the hobby
  3. glue slinger's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by matt_longview
    Welcome to the hobby. We would love to see some pics of your setup!

    Keep an eye on the mandarin as they are suggested for 90g tanks and up. I tried one that was trained to eat frozen but I still couldn't keep it fat and happy. I relocated her to a larger tank recently.
    hey matt, sorry, I just caught your post! the mandarin was tank raised and will eat most any thing i feed it. it like pellets, veg tabs,and the gel foods. once a week i target feed my fish thawed bloodworm and mysis shrimp and it takes it right off the end of my thongs!!! it is always skimming around and picking things off the bottom and's a very sweet creature and is peaceful to watch...thanks for your reply,glueslinger
  4. glue slinger's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by baker.shawn
    my sand bed isnt all that deep, however if i notice a spot looking nasty ill mix it up, i trying to only disturb the top half...less risk, i think
    sometimes I roll the top half,sometimes I vac close to the bottom.thanks for your thoughts,glueslinger
  5. glue slinger's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    depends on how deep it is also if its under a 1 1/2 probably not a big deal deeper and you might cause yourself some trouble
    thanks for the tip, I've been stiring(vacuming) on a monthy basis and have had no ill effects,glueslinger
  6. glue slinger's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown76mav
    I would say if you do it from the start of the tank then there would be no problem, but I personally wouldn't stir the sandbed if the tank was over 3-4 months old and never disturbed.
    my sand bed is about an inch,maybe a hair more. I have been stirring it once every 4 to 6 weeks since I started adding live stock.I'm in week 35! thanks for the advice,glueslinger
  7. baker.shawn's Avatar
    my sand bed isnt all that deep, however if i notice a spot looking nasty ill mix it up, i trying to only disturb the top half...less risk, i think
  8. DJ in WV's Avatar
    depends on how deep it is also if its under a 1 1/2 probably not a big deal deeper and you might cause yourself some trouble
  9. Blown76mav's Avatar
    I would say if you do it from the start of the tank then there would be no problem, but I personally wouldn't stir the sandbed if the tank was over 3-4 months old and never disturbed.
  10. matt_longview's Avatar
    Welcome to the hobby. We would love to see some pics of your setup!

    Keep an eye on the mandarin as they are suggested for 90g tanks and up. I tried one that was trained to eat frozen but I still couldn't keep it fat and happy. I relocated her to a larger tank recently.