Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    How cool! And for it not surviving.
  2. Convict27's Avatar
    The tide pools here this time of year easily reach between 85 to 90 degrees so that is an interesting theory. In all the diving that I have done, I have never seen a tang that small.
  3. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Well that stinks. I wonder if the tide pool got too warm for it.
  4. Convict27's Avatar
    Thanks Robb! The sad part was that as I was writing this blog, the little Tang did not make it. I was worried that something was wrong with it because it was swimming at the top of the tide pool and also in my tank. It seemed to be doing fine and then I looked over and didnt see it anymore and my son saw it and said that it was swimming upside down at the bottom of the tank.
  5. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Cool find!

    Thanks for sharing...and your service!
  6. kayl's Avatar
    Your username is perfect for this blog title...
  7. melev's Avatar
    Ah. If you are simply putting back what you recently took, I don't see the issue. Had it been with you a long time or if you were adding it to the local ecosystem when it wasn't normally present (like the lionfish off the Florida coastline), that would be a situation for sure. Thanks for clarifying for us.
  8. Convict27's Avatar
    Marc, You have to remember that I live right here on the reef and do all my own collecting. I actually bought this guy, but all of the fish that are offered locally in the LFS are collected right here on our reef. I have seen a ton of these guys while I have been out diving.
  9. melev's Avatar
    I thought it was a typo when I read your blog earlier. That name didn't ring a bell with me, but I just did a Google Image search and now I find out it was a cute little puffer you were worried about? Makes sense actually.

    Did you take it from the ocean? We normally highly discourage ever adding pets back into nature. Or were you joking?
  10. Convict27's Avatar
    Ok, Task complete. Marc, I love your trap but I just didnt have time or all the scrap acrylic lying around I ended up just placing all of my corals that were not permanently attached to the LR in a bucket with water and then taking the live rock out and placing it in another bucket. I gave that Saddle Toby exactly what he would want and released him out into the ocean. While I did that I picked up about 10 gallons of water to do a water change with since I stirred up all the detritus that was under the LR. Now I get to spend the next month looking at the tank and wondering how to rearrange it. Fun times!
  11. melev's Avatar
    Hehe - there was a lot of time involved in the making of that video.
  12. marks69's Avatar
    i love that. how much beer and chicken was involved with the making of it?lol
  13. melev's Avatar
    You could make your own Tucker Trapper too.
  14. marks69's Avatar
    i had a damsel i had to catch and put in fishy jail. i just put the rock in buckets for the little time it took and never got a spike. you could also get a fish trap and try that. i used a clear 10 ro/di cover and some fishing line to catch mine. i just put some mysis in it and lowered it into the tank. when it went in i just pulled and the top came above water and he was mine. then i dropped it and had to pull all my rock, but it almost
    that taught me not to sneeze when i'm working on the tank
  15. Convict27's Avatar
    The center light is a ADA Solar I 150W Metal Halide. I am currently running a 14000K Blue bulb. The pendant lights on the side are LED lights that actually change color through the whole gammet of colors. I can put them on red, blue, yellow, orange, or green. They are made by a Japanese company called AQUTE. I really dont know much specifics about them because I can not read Kanji to see what the output is.
  16. JimM's Avatar
    Wow Convict! Your tank is looking awesome! What are the pendant / swing arm style lights? Is the center one MH?
  17. Convict27's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mulebutter
    Im curious... you say your tank is 1 month old. Is that one month from when it finished cycling, or just 1 month from the start of it? It looks great though!
    It is one month old from the start. Everything that is in the tank, minus the fish are straight from the ocean into my tank. I am lucky to live in an area that I can self collect and even use the water straight from the ocean.

    I posted up some of my diving pics in this post to show the area that I dive in when I go collecting.
  18. mulebutter's Avatar
    Im curious... you say your tank is 1 month old. Is that one month from when it finished cycling, or just 1 month from the start of it? It looks great though!
  19. Shawnanthony's Avatar
    I think we've all suffered from loses in our tanks.... We know the feeling... Your tank looks awesome keep up the good work!!
  20. Convict27's Avatar
    The whole reason I got into Scuba was because of having SW tanks back in the states. Once I came here and I knew how good the diving was, I immediately went and got SCUBA qualified. After I got back into diving, I realized how much I missed having tanks, so I got back into reef keeping. It is one big catch 22 but I have not regretted it since.
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