Blog Comments

  1. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Definitely planning on it and thanks for your help on my blog post!
  2. melev's Avatar
    I hope you like the results.
  3. cyano's Avatar
    Ok guys just a little update:
    CoralVue said they would not have the smaller version in until April and I am not waiting another month to hook up a bio-pellet reactor and have everything online so I have decided to bite the bullet and use the big one that they sent me, not that it will be a bad decision I just would have preferred to have a smaller one in there since it holds 4x's the amount of bio-pellets that is recommended for my volume of water.

    So I have hooked it up (took about 3 minutes) and I am running water through it right now to check for leaks while some make up salt water is currently mixing and the bio-pellets continue to soak in RO water. I should have it up and running tonight and I am crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly.
  4. cyano's Avatar
    yeah marc cleaning, upgrading, killing my poor sore back, lol but my tank is already looking better and I can only imagine the kind of skimmate I will be seeing in a few weeks cause i am already getting a good dry skimmate.

    lol midnight my wife says when I win the lottery I can upgrade!
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Pellet reactor too nig? That just means that your tank is too small.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Nice blog entry. Spring cleaning even in winter, eh?
  7. cyano's Avatar
    I would like to post that I did level out the sump stand as soon as I got the stand inside, using a level and a couple shims concrete makes that job easy
  8. cyano's Avatar
    thanks for the responses, I have finished ordering all of my equipment and upgrades and I will be posting pictures with a new blog of the new goodies so I did order the 6" Reef Octupus needlewheel skimmer but I changed the size of the bio pellet reactor to the 1000 ml (I know my system does not need that much) I will still only be using about 500 ml worth of bio pellets but I didn't want to max out the reactor with the 500 ml one and also I figured for only $15 more why not get the larger size just in case there was an upgrade in the future or additions.

    I also have coming in a new 35 gallon sump/refugium which will work much better than my current setup of a wet dry with choeto in it, 500 ml of Vertex bio pellets, and a JBJ auto top off system. Now that the plan is to have the sump on the other wise of the wall and I have the room for the proper equipment I have all intentions of getting this tank turned around and hopefully growing corals that were far out of reach before.

    All of my new equipment is on the way and it should start trickling in later this week, most everything should be here by the end of next week for sure and depending on my work schedule I hope to have everything together and running by next sunday at the soonest with the biopellet reactor and the new skimmer getting broken in.
  9. melev's Avatar
    The yellow one for sure.
  10. Blake's Avatar
    what type of foxface tho? or do they all just eat it?
  11. melev's Avatar
    The skimmer and the 500ml biopellet reactor will do your tank a favor, that's for sure. In the end, it comes down to maintenance, which means keeping things clean.

    Few fish eat bryopsis -- the foxface is one that is known to do the job.
  12. cyano's Avatar
    my mag has always hovered around 1300, but yes I have a yellow tang but he only tends to nibble on the stuff when it is small after I recently have pulled a ton of it out otherwise he just kind of ignores it.
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    Bryopsis is generally a sign of low magnesium, what is your mag level? Cyano do you have any tangs, or other vegetarians in the tank?
  14. cyano's Avatar
    there you go Blake, sorry it's sideways and I took it with my phone but this is what keeps coming back and I yank it out and back it comes, I would show a bigger picture of it spreading in the tank but it is embarrassing to say the least

    matt- in my current mind configuration it would only be one bulkhead as it would tee from the overflow into both sumps simultaneously the the only bulkhead would run the water and dump it into the section with the return pump, but I still have several other options in consideration and just making one large sump is one of those

    Yeah I have never heard anything bad about reef octopus but at the same time I need to know 100% that I am getting what is going to be a good purchase, I have a guy nearby that deals fish and equipment out of his own house and is a reef octopus retailer so I can get that stuff a couple bucks lower than the internet price but with no shipping cost so it saves me money
  15. matt_longview's Avatar
    I'd personally just go for 1 tank as the sump. Drilling two tanks, two bulkheads, two strainers and the space taken up by that stuff just seems like you could find 1 larger tank instead. I don't know the exact situation and area though.

    The skimmer sounds pretty good. Double what it's rated for is always a good thing. I've never personally used that skimmer, so I can't vouch for it... but reef octopus does seem to have a good reputation. :-)

    I started my biopellets two weeks ago. I'm still in the adding phase... so no real opinions yet, but I went with the NextReef SMR1 and it's serious quality. I've got a shorty reactor on a smaller tank as well.
  16. Blake's Avatar
    Im fighting briopsis myself in my tank and it sucks! post some pics of ur caulerpa
  17. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Glad to here things are better. Hoping for a speedy recovery of your tank cyano
  18. cyano's Avatar
    I have a yellow tang in there but they have naturally pretty small mouths and doesn't like to pick at things that grow pretty thick like that it seems which is unfortunate since that as the main reason I got it in the first place but hey, what can I say it is one of my favorites now
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Great to hear it has stopped! Now everything will have time to heal.
  20. baker.shawn's Avatar
    great to hear the death has finally stopped

    as for you recurring caulerpa problem id add a small tang if you dont already have one
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