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  1. Tank Update.. not much

    Nothing much to update on the tank. Most all param's are stable save for dealing with low Alk. Did my 10% today, and everything is looking good. Replaced the final two bulbs in my T5 fixture, and broke down and picked up a Monti and a Pink Birdsnest.

    Will get some pic's up as soon as I figure out more features on my camera. Macro setting is there, but just not working correctly, and still can't get the white balance correct.

    As far as the Alk, just going thru the ...
    Tank Entry
  2. New Online Store II

    Ok, so here's the latest update. I put my order in Thursday night, assuming according to the site that it would be shipped 10:30am the next day. Aside from the automatic email from initial order, Friday all day goes by nada. I shoot an inquiry email to the store provided email, and receive an email almost immediately. Assuming the owner, asks if it's ok to ship out Tuesday. I say sure. No further emails so waiting till Tuesday.

    Paid via Paypal with AMEX and the charge hasn't shown ...
    Random Thoughts