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  1. Aquascape Redo

    Excuse the pics, gotta play with this camera. Pics are looking "washed out", when I actually turned off half the T5s for this shot

    Updated 01-12-2010 at 12:31 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  2. Couple o' Tests

    Ancient test kits, going to order new.
    Just did:
    Nitrate < 2.0
    PH 8.1
    SG 1.025

    Missing instructions for Cal and KH kits, going to find em' online and download.

    Nitrate is probably correct.. 90gal Tank, 30gal Sump. Small bio load Only 6 smallish fish.

    2xDamsel (lol, i know but I like em')
    1xChromi (lives in overflow see Damsel above)
    1x Tomato Clown
    2x Yellow Tangs (still small)
  3. Progress

    First I didn't get the water testing done, will get those results tonight. Reason didn't get the testing done...

    I didn't realize how much I had neglected the small things. I went shopping early Saturday, what I picked up:

    1. Replacement filters and resin for RO/DI
    2. Reef Putty (don't care for the stuff, but sometimes superglue doesn't cut it)
    3. Carbon
    4. Nylon bag 4x12
    5. Didn't get salt, Jen at FAOIS said it would be onsale in two weeks ...
    Tank Entry