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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Trouble with Snails - Could these Hitchhikers be the problem?

    I posted before that I've been having trouble with many of my snails dying. Not sure of the cause I've tried many things and received many suggestions.

    I took out about 70% of my live rock and have been cooking it for several months. I wanted to see if there was something on the live rock that was killing the snails. I'm happy to report that after a number of weeks in the cooking barrel all the snails are fine. So wanting to do a little control test I took one turbo snail and ...
  2. Water Testing Results - High Molybdenum

    I received 4 testing kits from Aquarium Water Testing for my birthday. With the trouble I was having with Snails dying I was curious to see if these test showed anything. The results are in and most things look okay expect for few parameters Molybdenum and Stronium.

    Has anyone heard of troubles with this value. See the note from AWT on the parmeter.

    Also the Free calcium versus total - never heard of this before. I'll have to read more.

    The good news is ...
  3. Old Tank Syndrome? Very Sad Story.

    About 10 months ago my tank was doing great. I created a little gallery of the tank with Iphoto that is available here:

    Around Christmas this past year a rapid decline started. I started to lose some corals (mostly Montipora) but everything else looked fine. Shortly there after the hair algae ...
  4. Fish with Pop-Eye

    One of my Chromis got pop-eye for no apparent reason. Only thing that has changed is recently is that I added a new pump - Reeflo Dart Hybrid. I have it valved back and the pump is sucking a lot of bubbles from the skimmer (until I get the new sump plumbed in).

    Does anyone think that the pump can be the cause or does anyone have another idea. The rest of the tank is fine.

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