Blog Comments

  1. Jessy's Avatar
    awesome thx for the heads up
  2. kileysmama's Avatar
    Thanks, Mike.
  3. mhowe9's Avatar
    Very nice Amy
  4. kileysmama's Avatar
    Our total water volume is right around 400 gallons. Until this weekend when I flip the switch on my two 50 gallon breeders that Jon (my husband) just tied in to house my fish broodstock. Then I'll be at right around 500 gallons total, all running on the same system.

    The skimmer is an ATI Bubble Master 250. By FAR the most expensive thing we ever purchased for our tank. It is rated for up to 500 gallons, and I think we're pushing it already with how much I feed my tanks right now.

    Of course, the good thing about the extra water volume is that it will allow me to pull my broodstock from the various places I have them stashed right now and consolidate them into relatively empty bare bottom tanks that will be easy to siphon clean. Right now I have to siphon around and under all my frag racks, and I even have a pair of fish living in my fuge! It's quite a pain to try and keep the frag tanks as clean as they should be with the constant supply of fish food going into them. Maybe this will actually HELP with my water quality.....
  5. jb61264's Avatar
    Very cool...what is the skimmer that I see you running off to the side of your frag tanks? what is your total system water volume?
  6. kileysmama's Avatar
    Yes it is a RBTA. It's since moved out of its breeders box and is getting bigger. About the size of a dinner roll now. I haven't decided where it's going to live long term, and it's not being a nuisance at all. (unlike my rbta's in my display GRRRR)

    Thanks, Tal!
  7. fishtal's Avatar
    Great system! (I've seen it in person)
  8. duster's Avatar
    I wish i had a basement, Here in Texas the heat is such a major factor. Is that a Bubble tip anemone in your frag tank?
  9. kileysmama's Avatar
    Display is upstairs, everything else is in the basement. And thanks!
  10. duster's Avatar
    Nice Setup! Is this in a Basement?
  11. rarelyseriousb's Avatar
    pics. glad to see you found this place.
  12. drakedeming's Avatar
    Pics, it sounds like a nice set up.
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