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  1. DIY 4 Gallon Pico

    I've assembled a small tank that's going to be going into my wife's office at her work. Wanted something small with built in filtration and able to be lit by either a small PC or LED setup.

    Made of acrylic 3/16" -- scraps from TAP Plastics, great for learning on
    total: 9" wide, 9" tall, 11" long, 2.5" of that in the back is going to be used for the built in filtration/pump, probably be using a foam insert just under the overflow ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  2. 10 gal acrylic tank

    • 10gal Truvu acrylic tank
    • 150w 14k Phoenix MH HQI + 28w Actinic
    • AquaC Remora HOB Skimmer (MaxiJet 1200) + surface skimmer
    • Vortech MP10w @60% in random reef crest mode
    • Auto top off (Aqualifter) with redundant float switches
    • 20% Water change every 2-3 weeks, RO and oceanic salt
    • ph 8.5, 0 ammonia/nitrite/nitrate
    Had a crash over winter break (Dec '10/Jan '11) -- forgot to plug in ATO, so it's getting back going again, lost everything except for the fish... added the Vortech ...
    Tank - Full Summary