Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    I'm not sure what you are seeing. Change the carbon, and only use 1/2 cup per 50g of water, well-rinsed.
  2. kuza's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Slightly milky... bacteria bloom? What are you dosing, adding, dripping, etc? I see the skimmer, but what else do you use for filtration? Carbon? Biopellets? GFO?

    Your 20g was beautiful.
    This are the result and i test it again this morning and its same at it was yesterday.
    Salinity Level: 1.025
    Temp: 28C
    pH: 8.2
    Calcium Level: 450
    Alkalinity: 7 dKH
    Potassium: 430
    Ammonia: 0
    Nitrite Levels: 0
    Nitrate Levels: <0.2
    Phosphate: <0.00
    Im running skimmer, sponge to block all the debris. when i notice my tank last 3weeks its a bit milky so i decided to add some carbon to and its been a week now and still no result.
    Do you think my sand bead is causing all this milky water im using crush coral 1 inch size. and they are full of brown algae and a little of them have hair algae.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Slightly milky... bacteria bloom? What are you dosing, adding, dripping, etc? I see the skimmer, but what else do you use for filtration? Carbon? Biopellets? GFO?

    Your 20g was beautiful.
  4. kuza's Avatar
    right,glad that i got it out before my tank get ruined.
  5. melev's Avatar
    That brown one on the right with the sweeper tentacles - glad you caught that one because they grow to be immense (as in 10' or more) and can devour livestock.
  6. kuza's Avatar

    Last 3 days ago i caught 2 kinds of worm in my tank and they are long.

    Sorry for the blurry pics fone cam only.

    Updated 03-12-2012 at 06:40 AM by kuza
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    After some research, those worms are not good. Do some goggling. They can sting you and they eat coral. I wood take it out personally.
  8. cyano's Avatar
    the algae problem itself may be due to leaving your lights on too long, phosphates (remember phosphates will read zero if something is consuming them), or nitrates, how long do you run your lights? what type of water do you use (ro-di or tap) how long do you let the salt mix before you do a water change? how often do you do a water change? also does it come off easily or do you have to scrape it off?

    the bristleworm looks as though it may be a fire worm, but most pose little to no risk to your aquarium, now if it gets too big then you probably will want to pull it out just in case, but the smaller ones you can enjoy in your CUC (clean up crew)
  9. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I was looking for a id on the worm and it looks like a fire worm which should be removed from the tank. Maybe some that has had some experience with them will chime in here. They are a type of bristle worm but are predatory
  10. DJ in WV's Avatar
    No only thing they hurt is you if you get hold of it. I havent seen one quite like that on. They do multiply fast and get large I personally don't like the big ones in the tank but they are detritus eaters. cant help with the algae I cant tell from the pic what it is
  11. kuza's Avatar
    Thanks! DJ and baker for the advice helps me a lot!
  12. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i think that footprint and depth is a little much for a 150w espically if you want to keep clams and some sps, you would have to have it really high off the water to get proper coverage intensity would be very low, this being said you MAY be able to do it, but i wouldnt risk it.

    id go with a 250w. but if you have to buy everything (lamp, ballast, reflector) your almost better off going LED keeping in mind you wont have bulbs to change every year, if thats something youd consider
  13. DJ in WV's Avatar
    depends on how high above the tank and the reflector size. If you keep the sps toward the center of the lamp you prob be ok, light coverage of the tank is going to be the issue with using one lamp
  14. kuza's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by chuck
    @ kuza I am looking really hard at the LED options out there I wish I could actually see them installed on a tank my LFS only has T5 fixtures
    You can buy LED light online.
  15. chuck's Avatar
    @ kuza I am looking really hard at the LED options out there I wish I could actually see them installed on a tank my LFS only has T5 fixtures
  16. kuza's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by chuck
    Everything looks like it is doing great with that lighting. I have been trying to decide what to use PC vs T5 vs LED to many choices these days I do really like the idea of how cool the LED's are.... wont raise the temp in your hood and tank

    in my opinion used LED lesser heat, energy saver and less stress in changing bulbs
  17. chuck's Avatar
    Everything looks like it is doing great with that lighting. I have been trying to decide what to use PC vs T5 vs LED to many choices these days I do really like the idea of how cool the LED's are.... wont raise the temp in your hood and tank
  18. kuza's Avatar
  19. agsansoo's Avatar
    Great looking tank ! Love all the colors !
  20. kitch40's Avatar
    Thats beautiful I didnt think you could put all those corals so close to each other Goood work!!!
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