Blog Comments

  1. chuck's Avatar
    Kuza I am so glad to see that sw will produce such an awesome dt in a smaller aquarium. This is exactly the size cube I am looking at setting up. What lighting are you using?
  2. kuza's Avatar
    Hat39406 - Thanks!

    baker.shawn - Thanks!
  3. kuza's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    I love your tank! Did you put a picture in our Full Tank Shot for October thread yet? We have one every month and encourage everyone to add a current image.

    Your corals are very healthy and colorful. The pictures looked good on my iPad.
    Thanks! i don't have any photos to Octobers thread. However, i will try to upload recent pics soon.
    Updated 10-09-2011 at 07:38 AM by kuza
  4. kuza's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by chuck
    cool what size tank is that? is it a cube?
    Thanks! Its a 20g cube.
    Updated 04-18-2013 at 12:10 AM by kuza
  5. baker.shawn's Avatar
    what a full tank
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow, beautiful!!
  7. melev's Avatar
    I love your tank! Did you put a picture in our Full Tank Shot for October thread yet? We have one every month and encourage everyone to add a current image.

    Your corals are very healthy and colorful. The pictures looked good on my iPad.
  8. chuck's Avatar
    cool what size tank is that? is it a cube?
  9. kuza's Avatar
    ok thanks for the advice really learned a lot. ill keep posting.
  10. cyano's Avatar
    well do it, as everything with parameters, slowly. Check your salinity levels of your water changes and what I do is add a little extra salt in with the water changes to creep it back up there. Whatever you do, do not just add salt to the tank!
  11. kuza's Avatar
    I have check my salinity yesterday and it was 1.020 sg. and the temp of my tank is 29C. how can i stable 1.025 my salinity?
  12. cyano's Avatar
    if the tank has been around 31C about a month bring everything back down over at least a 24 hour period as to not shock anything that may be used to the higher temps, I have 3 thermometers in different locations in my tank that I compare to, one stick on to the main display as well as a digital in my overflow, and a reefkeeper elite probe in my sump. with that size tank and that lighting you may have a fun time getting your temp within a consistent acceptable range so keep an eye on it close while you are bringing it all back down to see what you may have to try to keep huge temp swings from happening through the day. good luck and keep us posted.
  13. kuza's Avatar
    I change my light last month ago and i have 6pcs. of T5 24w in my 30g tank, im so busy at work i idnt notice my temp is 31C about a month now i didnt know my digital temp is broken so i replace it last 3 days ago and shock when i saw the temp. of my tank. I will check my salinity when i go home later from work. Tanks for the advice i will update later the salinity.
  14. MonKei's Avatar
    We recently fragged off some zoa heads to go into a smaller tank, the new smaller groupings lost some color for about two weeks or so.. but gradually seems to be coming back.
  15. cyano's Avatar
    also when you say high temps, how high are we talking and for how long?
  16. cyano's Avatar
    never heard of temps causing it, have heard of lighting affecting the color though, when was the last time you changed your lights? what type of lighting do you have? what are your tank parameters? size of tank? also your salinity can cause this if it is too low so run your tests and get back to us.
  17. kuza's Avatar
    ok thanks you all its help. : )
  18. melev's Avatar
    Do you have any cucumbers, nassarius snails and hermit crabs to stir the sandbed somewhat? I see one snail. More clean up crew will help.

    The good news is the cure to what appears to be happening is simple and safe: Turn off the lights over the tank for three days, but clean out your skimmer daily. It'll all go away. On the 4th day, run your lights for 4 hours, maximum, then thereafter go back to the normal schedule.
  19. agsansoo's Avatar
    What's sand ? (I run a bare bottom tank) LOL . Looks like cyano bacteria to me.
  20. DJ in WV's Avatar
    thats acid sand, I've seen before in the early 90's it should return to normal in about 12 hours
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