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For absolute emergencies only

  1. Light Requirements?

    Hey All...
    Could use some expert advice. Basics are... 75G display, 35G fuge, 216watt T5 x4, 2 daylight, 2 actinic. Recently the RBTA and the finger leather appear to be pulling in. Kenya tree frag looks fine and the 5 fish seem fine. The nem's tentacles seem to have a blue/green tinge about half way down. Water chem looks good... Do we have enough light?
  2. Need Help Tonight!

    Hi All,
    As most of you know... I am reefing vicariously through my son's tank. The question... he has 1 dragonnette, 1 firefish goby, and 2 yellow tailed damsels for some months now. Tonight he added two small clowns and the blue damsels are non-stop taking strikes at them. Basically the same thing happened when he added the firefish but only one of the damsels was taking the pot shots... the other seemed indifferent. Then by morning they seemed to have accepted the newbie. With the clowns, ...