Blog Comments

  1. BackReefer's Avatar
    So, instead of critically being against it, open your mind and let's figure out the best way for it to work. Be positive and I know a sump would be ideal. Working with what I got
  2. BackReefer's Avatar
    Okay, sumpmonkey, my landlord looked at a sump and said no. That leaves me with my 40 breeder, 2 remora skimmers, 2 hydor evo circ pumps on timers, 50 lbs. of LR. I put a HOT mag on occasionally for clearer, but 70% of the time it is LR and skimmers. Thought that the FX5 could create flow minus the heat of circ pumps. I am in the process of switching out my 4 T5s and T8 actinic for a 250w MH pendant.I keep stonies and softies right now.
  3. BackReefer's Avatar
    Okay, sumpmonkey, my landlord looked at a sump and said no. That leaves me with my 40 breeder, 2 remora skimmers, 2 hydor evo circ pumps on timers, 50 lbs. of LR. I put a HOT mag on occasionally for clearer, but 70% of the time it is LR and skimmers. Thought that the FX5 could create flow minus the heat of circ pumps. I am in the process of switching out my 4 T5s and T8 actinic for a 250w MH pendant.I keep stonies and softies right now.
  4. Sumpmonkey's Avatar
    Return it or sell it and buy more live rock with two skimmers on a 40 breeder you should not need a filter.if you have properly cycled the tank.And don't overstock it.But i do like a good dump in the morning.If you really want to use the canister filter use seachem matrix.but i would not waste my time with a canister filter do you have any power heads in this tank
  5. baker.shawn's Avatar
    aqua medic has made many lights over the years so im not quite sure what you mean by the flaps that look like legs

    however keep in mind that if you go with one mh lamp over a tank 36" in length your going to want to have it high enough off the water so that the intire tank in getting light, if not you will get a spotlight effect

    as for burning your coral, as long as you slowly increase the intensity of the light you will be okay, you can use layers of window screemn, shorten the photo period and raise or lower the lighting
  6. baker.shawn's Avatar
    what are the dimensions of your tank?
  7. BackReefer's Avatar
    It seems like all my fish know to stay away from it, I am worried about my lawnmower blenny because he seems to settle down anywhere. If he lands on the maxi does it mean a sure demise for my blenny. He is double the size of the maxi but can it still sting him enough to kill him?
  8. baker.shawn's Avatar
    These guys aren’t supposed to do too much moving around once settled from what I’ve heard. this being said don’t be surprised if over night he has moved a bit
  9. BackReefer's Avatar
    Thanks, that article is what piqued my interest, I brought it home and have it in a quarantine tank. It is eating mysis and has opened up but hasn't moved.
  10. Sam11909's Avatar
    +1 for the article. That's some of the best info you can get about them.
  11. baker.shawn's Avatar
    here is a pretty good read about them
  12. kayl's Avatar
    They're very hardy, like to eat small bits of mysis (and might eat your fish if you're not careful) and typically stay in one spot
  13. baker.shawn's Avatar
    im also looking for a LED for my bad reefkoi wont ship to canada
    have you looked at maxspect
    pricing isnt tooo bad compaired to what it could be, and the control of group (white&blue) balance is nice
  14. Midnight's Avatar
    Don't forget to check out they are one of our sponsers/featured suppliers
  15. pepper'scove's Avatar
    I like the offerings by Vertex. The Illumina SR that they make comes in 1ft lengths. I really like them. You can see the YouTube demo here I hope this works for you. You can customize the colors coming out of the unit and you can also simulate a sunrise and sunset moving across the tank. Additionally you can program a moon cycle into it or have it simulate a stormy day. It even comes with software called V-link which you can use to program the light. They're pretty pricey and I have no personal experience with them, but these are the lights I want and the reviews on them that I've read are all pretty positive. The biggest problem with these that I anticipate is getting your hands on them. They also have replaceable guts which is a major plus. Here's a link to the lights on Vertex's site enjoy!
  16. Reeftankjunkie's Avatar
    I really like the aqua illumination units. They are a little on the expensive side, but the upgradability, and control is beyond cool. You can even simulate a lightning storm from your smart phone.
  17. BackReefer's Avatar
    Sorry, my phone was dying, and spazzed out
  18. BackReefer's Avatar
    I guess, simply keeping the electric bill as low as possible. I have been tweaking the light intervals so they don't have to be on as long and the shallow depth of the 40 helps. I am kicking around the idea of turning a hang on marineland 400 into a refugium by removing bio wheels, directing spray bars into the filter and putting in baffles to contain everything. My landlord has a no sump rule, though he did not even come close to understanding it. The LR I have is some choice pieces from a 12 year old display tank. Post pics soon.
  19. Jessy's Avatar
    Hi Jimmy. What is it that you define as a "green" tank? Also I think that for a 40 gal 2 remora pro's are a bit much for skimming. Do you have a heavy bioload of fish? There are a lot of things you can do with natural filtration to negate the need of 2 skimmers. (ie refuguims, algae scrubbers, etc)
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