Blog Comments

  1. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    The last time it opened up completely was about three days ago. I do water changes weekly (5 to 10 gallons per week) and I only add Coral-Vite for trace elements once a week and MicroVert to feed the corals. I don't dose anything, I have mostly softies and one LPS. The tank is only about 8 months but is stable. After posting earlier, I flopped the coral to the other side and I saw a brown, slimy film on some of the branches. I saw something similar to this online called 'brown jelly disease'. I wonder if this is what's wrong, but how do you get it or "cure" it? Maybe I should frag it before it really gets bad?
  2. melev's Avatar
    It looks wilted to me. When's the last time you did a water change? And what do you dose - anything you put in the tank daily, weekly, monthly: list it.
  3. TheBChamp's Avatar
    hahaha good stuff
  4. snorkeler's Avatar
    LOL... ROTFL... :-D

    Great blog fun, hope the real story that inspired this comic wasn't too hard to cleanup!
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    Based on a true story?? :-) hahaha.
  6. Jessy's Avatar
    AHAHAHA THAT'S EPIC!! Thank you for taking the time to make this!! Nice spidey undies.
  7. melev's Avatar
    That's awesome!! I want it to be all bigger pictures so we can read them without having to open each image up to read it.
  8. msr224's Avatar
    Mortal Kombat?
  9. TH3C1SC0K1D's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cyano
    up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start
    and if I can figure out a way to encourage clowns to take to my anemone and leave my zoas that will take the cake!
    Oh yeah we have a gamer in the building!
  10. Craig's Avatar
    hahahahahah that's awesome... loved that game

    Quote Originally Posted by cyano
    up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start
    and if I can figure out a way to encourage clowns to take to my anemone and leave my zoas that will take the cake!
  11. cyano's Avatar
    up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start
    and if I can figure out a way to encourage clowns to take to my anemone and leave my zoas that will take the cake!
  12. matt_longview's Avatar
    My biggest tip is... join a local marine aquarium group.

    Biggest trick... making acans disappear! ;-)
  13. rick12's Avatar
    great plan. looks good.
  14. marks69's Avatar
    just make sure the cheato doesn't get out into you dt, it's a pain to
  15. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    i flipped it over to see the bottom and when i did the guts and more tentacles fell off. i replaced the lights but i think its too far gone. i read online about dead anemones crashing tanks so i decided to get rid of it. the other tank mates were more important to me and i didnt want to risk it.
  16. MonKei's Avatar
    I would agree with dread on that one. I made the mistake of getting an anemone when my tank was not ready for one and didn't have the lighting for it and it started looking and acting like yours in the picture, followed by disintegration a few days later. Anemone death is usually followed by a minor or even major tank crash due to toxins that they release.

    Though unfortunate, something to consider.
  17. dread240's Avatar
    so you're using a standard strip light on a tank with a photosynthetic anemone in it. I would venture to say that's the problem there.

    Also in that picture it does indeed look upside down. I see purple tipped green tentacles under the anemone which is a good indication of it's 'top' so to speak. If it's not upside down and it's tentacles have fallen off to give that appearance, then it's really in bad shape, but I also don't see the oral slit at the 'top' of it now.
  18. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    plus pieces of it's tentacle are falling off....
  19. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    its actually right-side up
    the lights are a four t-5 light fixture (two actinic, two 10k)
    for flow i have a koralia 550gph + return pump/spray bar @200gph
    tank size is a 39 gallon tall with 10 gallon sump

    the light fixture's timer went out about a week ago and i put up a 4,000k strip light that came with the aquarium.
  20. Blown76mav's Avatar
    I agree, its upside down.
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