Blog Comments

  1. baker.shawn's Avatar
    have a look at my LED build you may want to consider something similar but maybe with 48LEDs on 2 6x16 heatsinks
  2. melev's Avatar
    For a 75g, two 250w MH would be my choice, with them at 12" off the water. 10,000K encourages growth, 14,000K is prettier, 20,000K is very blue and growth is very very slow.

    You could use 175w bulbs but the choices are better with 250w, and if you ever upgrade your 250w will still work out.

    Here's some general reading:
  3. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Update! I have taken steps to get my fish to a friend's tank. The transfer will occur tomorrow at which point I can begin rebuilding my sump. Pursuant to that I found an interesting tid bit of information. On the GE silicone there is a list of federal regulations which the product meets. On GE II there are no FDA codes. However, on GE I there is an FDA code which is FDA 21 CFR177.2600. This code indicates that a product is applicable for use in applications which are require food safe packaging and handling. I take this as a sign that it is safe for use in aquariums even if it doesn't say aquarium safe. Also, it's curious absence from GE II leads me to believe that anyone who says they have used GE II on their aquarium was either lying or lucky. I wish I had gotton better advice on the first go round. But then, I'm new to this and I suppose that we all have to learn at some point. Lesson learned, thanks again for steering me in the right direction!
  4. pepper'scove's Avatar
    I have seen pictures online where people say that GE has a biocide in it and they have the silicone canister picture as proof. However, mine does not say that and it cured for about 2-3 weeks before anything was put in it. Some people say use it. Some say don't. Some say it kills only inverts. I don't know. What I do know is that all my snails lived, including the one turbo I have, and my hermits and shrimp are doing great. But the best news is that my clowns started swimming out in the tank, albeit low, and showed enough interest in food that I was encouraged. I hope that GE II doesn't cause problems because I don't currently have a way to deal with this short of giving the fish away. The fish are doing enough better that I am thinking of offering them to a friend. However, as they're not 100% yet that may do more harm than good. I really am concerned about the silicone though and, with as much money as I put into everything else I may just tear this sump apart in the future and rebuild with GE I. Thanks for all the feedback guys!
  5. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    I believe the anti-fungal in the silicone is Arsenic, albeit just a low amount to slowly poison fish.
  6. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Yep, GE Type II is your problem, anything that says mold resistant has those antimicrobials in it to fight off mold.

    From what I was told the reason why GE I has the phrase, "not for aquarium use" is because people where trying to get compensated by the company when the seals on their large tanks failed. GE I is reef safe but it lack the strong adhesion properties that other have.
  7. Blown76mav's Avatar
    The type II has an anti mold fungicide in it. That is your problem. Again the type I is safe for aquariums even though it doesn't say it anymore. I've used it all my glass sump builds without any problems as have others.
  8. DJ in WV's Avatar
    there use to be a ge silicone that said aquarium safe but is was removed prob because they where selling it to tank builder under other names. Some of it has a fungicide in it which will leach into the water, so just because its 100% silicone does mean you can use it in tanks. Never heard the tupperware thing with all the people useing rubbermaid and sterilite tubs i wouldnt thing that would be the problem general anything safe for food contact wont be a problem
  9. pepper'scove's Avatar
    I used GE Silicon II but the silicone had been cured for over a month before the fish went in it. I had a person tell me they built a sump with GE II, they pointed right at it. I got the 100% clear silicone stuff. Does it really cause problems?! I'll be taking the tuperware out pronto!
  10. Blown76mav's Avatar
    What silicone did you use to make the sump? If it wasn't type1 GE silicone or the aquarium safe sold at LFS's then I would bet that would be the problem. Could also be the tupperware, not sure if that plastic is safe to leave in salt water
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