Blog Comments

  1. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Marc, Yes, I have been reading the articles especially the bulkhead one, as that will be my next challenge. I think the greater the interest on an email reply @per craigslist) the greater amount of time one has to wait for that reply... arghh!!!!! 30 Gallon Long for 30$$$$ only on CL... If only they would respond!
  2. melev's Avatar
    Have you been reading the latest plumbing articles on the front page? The How To Plumb a Reef Tank is coming soon, as I'm doing that with my Marineland 400g. If you want to add some pictures to your blog entry, you can. Move your mouse over the blog title, and a small crayon appears. Click on that to edit and insert more information into your summation.
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