Blog Comments

  1. briight's Avatar
    Nice! I like your rock work.
  2. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Thanks All, I added some snails and will sit back and watch them work..... lol... like watching grass grow, but the opposite.... They clean where they want, wont stay in there assigned areas and often take breaks....
  3. melev's Avatar
    I like keeping the refugium clean. The pods can live on the walls until I clean it up, or they can live on the macro algae. Their choice. Adding snails can help do this for you, but a bunch of film algae obscures my view.
  4. matt_longview's Avatar
    My personal opinion... which is my personal opinion because I read a lot of wetwebmedia... is less than 1 inch or more than 4 inches of sand. I chose less than 1... because as much as I love clams, why not let them look beautiful pulling nitrates out instead of a DSB (I know the answer to that question, but I also do 2 5% waterchanges a week and one large one a month)? I feed my tank like it's a horse, and still stay at 0 nitrates with clams and chaeto (which I keep lit 24 hrs a day).

    As far as algae in the fuge... I would leave it be. If you want a nice looking fuge, clean it up slowly. Wipe down a small section and then wait awhile. Then the next time keep that small section clean and wipe down a little more. I will admit that Marc's fuge looks just as nice as many tanks! :-)
  5. melev's Avatar
    I really couldn't say. That could be the coloration is is trending toward, genetically.
  6. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Thats what I'm hoping for and thinking.... will keep an eye on the clown and see what happens next...
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    Mine have changed in this manner over time, or at least one has.... could it be part of the male/female transformation process?
  8. kayl's Avatar
    BRS= Bulk Reef Supply
  9. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Shawn, BRS????

    And et al, yes, I will follow up with garlic and vitamins and closely watching him. He does run to a Spot in the rocks but, I've not noticed anyone bothering him, so far, a pretty quite tank, with exception of the clowns still bickering to see who will be dominant female and the damsels, being damsels...

    Thanks for all the assistance, LFS at the top of the list for todays outings.

  10. 1AaronTravels's Avatar

    The dark Spot between the 2 stripes, upper body.
  11. melev's Avatar
    Hippo tangs tend to tuck into the rockwork to hide and/or sleep. It could be scrapings from the rockwork as was suggested above. It can heal over time if it doesn't keep rubbing that side.
  12. melev's Avatar
    Are you talking about the bright orange spot? Or something else? When Clownfish rub against some corals, they can get spots as a result. For example if they swim up against zoanthids, they may begin to sport black spots on their bodies.
  13. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i also dont see anything in those pics, like sumpmonkey suggested some garlic soaked nori may help and you can also get supplements like selcon or Elos vitamin for fish food (BRS has it) may help boost the immune system
  14. Sumpmonkey's Avatar
    Cant really see anything in the picks sorry.I would suggest more observation could they possibly be just a few harmless scrapes from the rock work.Is this fish being harassed by any other tank mates.make sure you keep up on the water quality.And maybe a little garlic soak if needed and some vitamins on the food to just boost the immune system.Hope you figure it out.Is said fish eating well now.
    happy tanks to you.................
  15. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Double post.
  16. Blown76mav's Avatar
    HLLE? try this.

    without a pic its hard to tell. And yes Ick is the same white spots in a saltwater tank.
  17. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Neelix, I will, Of course, No Prior experience, but, if stuff grows, cant be all bad huh? lol....:-)
  18. Neelixx's Avatar
    Aaron, let us know how they work out after a bit! I have two of those 48" on my puchase list for my new tank. Curious how well they work out for you over a bit of time
  19. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Thanks Marc, Thats the look that I wanted to achieve.

  20. melev's Avatar
    Aaron, I went ahead and edited your post to get the pictures in succession. Hope you don't mind.

    Looks great! Odds are those two fittings popped out of place during transit. Good catch noticing that.
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