Blog Comments

  1. Tbeau's Avatar
    Hope there were no. Hemicals on the powerhead. I lost one of my clowns. My fault though. Thought I covered intake of power head but not enough. Poor little. Guy sucked in.
  2. pepper'scove's Avatar
    I believe Reef Central has a pipe flow estimator. For a sump I'm currently building for a Biocube 14 I decided to use a mag 7. I plan to tee it off back into the refugium and skimmer sections (I'm using a 40 gal. breeder - huge for the DT I know) and control the flow rate with several ball valves. Anyway, I'm using 1/2" flexible PVC on the returns and as few elbows as possible to limit frictional losses. I plan to use a 3/4" drain. At some point along the line I plan to use a SCWD to create an oscillating current of 300gph in the DT. Since this will replace a 240 gph Koralia nano and a 125gph return pump currently in the system I may still end up leaving the Koralia in the tank or even upping the flow. For 400gph flow I would use 2 x 3/4" drain lines to support one oscillating stream flowing through the 1/2" pipes. Maybe all my plans sound like overkill, but I plan to try growing SPS in the DT and I don't think that would be practical in a Biocube 14 any other way. Additionally, I chose the drainlines to be one size larger than the return so that I know the drain will never backup and cause an overflow. The reason I plan on possibly having two drain lines is that It gives me a backup in case a critter gets caught in a drain or some other unforeseen situation arises. That's just my two cents worth though and I'm very new to all this so these are just MY plans. I'm no expert by any stretch.
  3. melev's Avatar
    How sad. I would think it was a lack of oxygen or a temperature issue to take out all the fish. Any chance the power was out for a duration?
  4. Lilrodyreefer's Avatar
    I had put a new power head that a friend had got for me in and it was blowing my sand everywhere. I think it might have released some gas pockets in the sand bed. When I do my waterchanges I try to stir around small sections of the bed to keep this kind of thing from happening. The power head only ran for about 20 min befor I pulled it out. I will keep posting to this blog on tank updates. Thanks for the support guys.
  5. ghummel's Avatar
    Sorry for your loss!
  6. Heathd's Avatar
    Sorry to hear that.

    Did you happen to take down any info about the water qaulity, temperature of the tank, etc...
  7. nathan.bowser's Avatar
    Aw man, I guess I can carpool. Let me know when you are available and I'll meet you.
  8. dread240's Avatar
    Me personally I like my fuge to have a very slow flow, just enough to keep the chaeto tumbling. I drain the tank to a equipment chamber, and then feed the fuge with a small pump from there.

    If you were to put 1400gph through your fuge, I would think you would seriously lose the effectiveness of it
  9. melev's Avatar
    You always want the drain pipe to be able to keep up with the return pump. If the return pump exceeds the drain, the tank can overflow.
  10. marks69's Avatar
    i would do the 1" just for future expansion. then at the pump reduce
  11. rossbryant1956's Avatar
    I also had a question here. Is there a correlation between the size of the return piping and the size of the drain. I have an Eheim 1262 pump for a 55 gallon reef and can build up to a 2" drain (that is the size of bulkhead.) My pump, however, leads off with a 3/4" fitting, which I was going to do with 3/4" pipe since it is less expensive than 1". Should I instead do the 1"? Thx in advance.
  12. mr. fix it's Avatar
    i don't have a pipe flow chart, but i usually try to think the bigger the better, to a point. i would think at least 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" sch40 pvc pipe,comming from the pump. trying to use the least amount of elbows witch cause more friction loss. depending on the size of the tank, you might be able to tee off 1 1/2" pipe to give you 2- 3/4" or 1" returns into the tank. i think marc has a great article about working with pvc which might be of help. you can google "pipe friction loss" to give you an idea to help size the pipe, and if the pump is new it should have some info about head pressure and flow loss.
  13. Jessy's Avatar
    LOL I think this is aggression. They only have their mouths to fight with. Be careful they don't rip each other's lips off
  14. melev's Avatar
    What I do is email them to myself from the iPhone, resize if necessary and upload them to my site. In your case you could upload them to Photobucket to share.

    I wish there was a way to do so directly to the site. I can do that with Tapatalk, but we don't use the forum software here. I know vbulletin is working on an App that does every facet of the site, so that may be in our future. It's really easy to share my pictures on Facebook, which I often do because it's so handy.
  15. Lilrodyreefer's Avatar
    Hey mark how did you upload the pictures from the iphone
  16. melev's Avatar
    Any time you see SPAM, report them and we wipe them out. That's about the only time I get to ban anyone here. haha
  17. NightShade's Avatar
    Yes the lag was killer on RC, I understand that they have a lot of people coming through but they also have multiple servers and unless they are running off of donated/outdated hardware the problems should be no where near what they are often times.

    Didn't come across it much on RC but the other bad thing that has been plaguing a couple sites I deal with is spam posts. I have tried my best to offer help but no one is taking it so far. . .
  18. melev's Avatar
    What he posted was a DIY urchin for the fish to host in. I've seen it done with putty and plastic toothpicks as well.

    Take a look at this article that was contributed to our site by landlord:
  19. melev's Avatar
    The one thing that I never liked but endured for years was the lag time. I never could understand how no matter what cause, what hobby, what interest I had, it was always a site with lag time. Drove me nuts. Firefox helped a lot because I could have multiple tabs loading in the background to not feel the wait time.

    We have a little lag here, but it isn't too bad.
  20. agsansoo's Avatar
    A better picture of my set-up.
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