Blog Comments

  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, a modification to their design to remedy your problem would be an overflow system. that way as the drips came in the excess water could overflow and then leave out of the tube.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Good - glad to hear it!
  3. dahenley's Avatar
    Im glad you posted! i am a member of DFW, but procrastinated, and saw this.... and just purchased 2 tickets (the wife said if i go, she goes... ITS A DEAL!!)
    Macna bound!!
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Your alright Marc I dont care what Jessie says about you
  5. Bobbywade's Avatar
    The tank sitter if very happy corals look great in my bare tank!!
  6. stangchris's Avatar
    crazy ive had my anemone go through my vortech twice and survive and another get chopped to pieces by my vortech with no ill effects. wonder why. i never did any water changes on all three instances.
  7. vrba's Avatar
    Marc, that starfish is really awesome!
  8. melev's Avatar
    2 bulbs over a 40g breeder? You'll probably need four bulbs. I had 3 bulbs of my 29g refugium under the 280g reef. It sounds like you aren't getting enough light penetration.

    No, I don't dose iron.
  9. DJ in WV's Avatar
    do you add any iron to your tank you alway have very nice growth of your algaes in your fug. My 180 is the 1st tank that I have tried to employ a fug and it has been largely unsuccessful. At first I was using red graci and it grew very well tho it didnt hold its color and was very fragile and fell apart so I fed it all to the tang and started over with cheato grape and a short leaf genus ? and have had nil luck grape runners and rots at the opp end to match the growth cheato has grown none and to short leaf grow in very small patches of 3 to 7 leaves and stops. I do have regular out breaks in the fug of diatoms but not in the dt. Im running 2 65w pc 6500k on a 40b fug with about 3 1/2 deep marco fine agro substrate. Any suggestions as im about ready to scrap the fug idea for a clown and host tank and leave it plumbed into the 180s system
  10. melev's Avatar
    Yes, when necessary. However, I bought a lot of black pvc and fittings.
  11. Padrino's Avatar

    good idea!

    What did you paint your plumbing with? Krylon Fusion?
  12. melev's Avatar
    It was a money choice. Each 1.5" TUBV cost $35, and I didn't feel like spending another $70+ for that spot. Instead I have two 1.5" threaded plugs that screw in to the bulkheads where the strainer baskets are. I unscrew one basket & nipple and screw in the plug (wrapped in teflon tape). Simple, and cost me about $1.
  13. Padrino's Avatar
    Hey mark,
    Great to finally meet u at macna this year, question for you

    The union allows me to remove the pump for servicing or to change it out for another one.

    If you remove that pump, how will you stop the sump from draining? I would have thought a true union ball valve would have been better for maintenance? no? or was space a factor??
  14. melev's Avatar
    You should probably remove the GFO, RobC. Did the frogspawn bail-out heads survive? I've tried to capture tissue like that in the past and put it in a small dish with gravel so they can form a new base rather than writing them off as a loss.

    You had a lot of things running in conjunction, that's for sure. It may or may not be the biopellets that caused that response. Congrats on getting nitrates from 80ppm to 0.
  15. RobC's Avatar
    I tried to reply to this right away but the site went down on me, so sorry for the delay.
    I have the biopellets on an reef octopus reactor. I implemented about 750mL at one time (I have a 150 gallon tank). My thinking is that I should have done half of that and then the other half after a month or so. Everything seems to have leveled off now as my nitrates are down to 0 and my hair algae problem that I was battling seems to be going away little by little. Not before I had lost 3 acros, a brain and about 30 heads on my frogspawn. The polyps bailed. I had a Nitrate spike of about 80 ppm and I am just waiting for everything to settle back down before I do anything. I still a few polyps left on a couple of other parts of the tank and I have a few corals, though they seem stressed will likely pull through. I did a couple of water changes and that seemed to help, I think that maybe there were some nutrients between the boipellets, skimmer, GFO and Carbon, that had not been replaced and the water changes helped that issue? I don't know for sure. I am waiting a few more months so see if everything stabilizes and go from there.
  16. melev's Avatar
    I will be at RAP. Both as Reef Addicts as well as DFW Macna. I'm speaking, and introducing the other speakers both days. Should be a lot of fun. I don't know if I'll bring home a coral - I'd have to really be blown away.
  17. agsansoo's Avatar
    Will you be attending RAP this year ? If so, are you going to be acquiring any corals for your tank ?
  18. Bobbywade's Avatar
    I saw that ugly guy running across your street while visting you the other day!!
  19. saxerphoner's Avatar
    That is the scariest looking squirell I've ever seen. Looks more like a opossum now. I want to see the reactions of everyone that sees the squirell but doesn't know what happened!
  20. melev's Avatar
    It was STN during my trip. It happened really fast.