Blog Comments

  1. Jato460's Avatar
    How are you going to take the rubber band off?
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Haven't seen that admin simile yet better behave myself
  3. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    looking good Marc, When do you plan on adding the rest of the lr to the tank
  4. kona reefer's Avatar
    I love the open, horizontal feel of the tank. I wish my tank was that wide! It is cool to see how well the corals heal in the system.
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    looking good Marc, When do you plan on adding the rest of the lr to the tank
  6. melev's Avatar
    Hey oaksenov, please upload a Profile Picture and an Avatar to your profile so that boring default placeholder goes away.
  7. oaksenov's Avatar
    Yes suction cups are not very reliable. I had one accident when one cup came off. Now I usually just place that container on step lather or still use cups, but place container on the inside of the tank in the water. It makes its removal a bit tricky, but it holds perfectly since it's weightless in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    I like that one except for the suction cups. Still think a simple stand tube is the best way to control the water level in one of these
  8. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I like that one except for the suction cups. Still think a simple stand tube is the best way to control the water level in one of these
  9. oaksenov's Avatar
    To avoid overflowing the container set it ( if it is possible with this one) so the top of the container is above water level of your tank. I have AccliMate pro container which uses the same idea for the flow and that's how I use it all the time without any issues.
  10. melev's Avatar
    I was wiped out too. But it was totally worth it - I had a great time. Thank you for your excellent hospitality.
  11. OneReef's Avatar
    Marc, If I had any energy left in me from this weekend, I would think of something clever to say here and razz you. But I fear reprisal of your summation of my crappy acclimation night due to exhaustion
  12. yankieman's Avatar
    very nice , thanks
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Your tank is gorgeous Marc! It's growing out nicely.
  14. Jnarowe's Avatar
    very interesting about the fungia!
  15. melev's Avatar
    Hey Bill. I have a WTMRAC group on RA for y'all to use as you see fit, to share images of your events, to let others know about your club and to help them contact you with any questions.

    I do feel these events help motivate one another. The interaction helps stimulate ideas and solutions, and we continue to learn that way.

    All eight clams and the two Acros look good so far, going through an Interceptor bath for tonight. Tomorrow they'll move into the 400g, and I'll be taking pictures with my Nikon then.
  16. ducklabdad's Avatar

    See I did find you!!

    I would really like to say that it was great having you here at our swap. Followed you on that "older sight" for a long time, it was Great to meet you and I really appreciate the way that you really hung with us talking to everyone and answering all of the questions that everyone had. We really appreciate your input and advice as well. I admit I needed this swap (and the skimmer I aquired) to push me into moving forward with the much larger tank I have been considering.

    Even though I admit I am still exhausted from it all, It has lit a fire back under me that I needed. We all need to keep involved in things like this to keep us enthused!!

    Hope you got your new aquisitions home and doing well.

    Please add us to your reference list!!

    Thanks Bill Hampton
    Sec/treas. WTMRAC
    Updated 10-02-2011 at 10:21 PM by ducklabdad (addition)
  17. melev's Avatar
    I don't have a lot of growth to cut and share quite yet either, but still was able to find him some treasure to get him restarted.

    While in Memphis at the frag swap, I bought him a coral we don't have in the DFW area. He gets that tomorrow.
  18. melev's Avatar
    I'm going to tinker with it a little more and see what all it can do. Maybe I missed some step in the instructions.
  19. Bobbywade's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dahenley
    those fans are "sunon" brand. (from what i saw)
    those are the quietest 110-115V fans i have found....
    Great job there Marc. (do you mind sharing the size of your ATO container)
    Yes they are sunon brand sold by grainger I have a whole case of them so I thought I put them to use.
  20. melev's Avatar
    Yes, it is what I do for a living. That and selling RO/DI systems.

    I'm sorry you didn't know. We try to keep the Calendar here on RA updated with events across the nation so you can see what is going on. For any of you in a club, please be sure to send me any upcoming events. I need the information, a link to where to read more, and perhaps a picture or the club's logo artwork. I update it frequently when I come across anything, but need your help.