Blog Comments

  1. chuck's Avatar
    cool upgrade Marc. How does the tank work? Is it filled with air to push the water out of the faucet?

    I am still battling with where and how to install mine. We have a 2 story house and nothing is close to anything else. I would love to hook it up to the ice maker and our water cooler but they are on opposite walls. (HEAD BANG) The laundry room is in the middle of the house.

    I sure am glad you posted this! A light bulb just came on as I was typing. The dang ice maker has plumbing and it is on the same wall as my water cooler. problem solved!!!!

    Updated 10-28-2011 at 03:42 PM by melev (this is not a forum. ;))
  2. melev's Avatar
    I've been drinking RO water for as long as I've had an RO unit. I don't leave it out, it is in the fridge bottled usually. I could add a Taste filter, but I really don't see why I'd want that now all of a sudden. I've never had any complaints from others that visited and drank the water. Rather, they said it tasted great.
  3. evoracer's Avatar
    Well considering the clean RO leaves my unit at ~25 TDS (incoming in ~750), my RO actually tastes pretty good!
  4. Jnarowe's Avatar
    BTW guys, you can also get a re-mineralizer for the drinking water. This in effect puts back in a lot of the flavor. Great for making coffee etc. You'll find that RO water is fairly unstable. If left out in a glass the flavor can change rapidly because there are not enough buffers. Studies show that minerals in water do nothing for us physiologically, but they sure do taste good!
  5. evoracer's Avatar
    Good to know about shutting off the pressure tank before making DI. I run a similar setup, minus the spigot. My fridge has water and ice dispensers built in. I valved every spot I could to be able to isolate any potential leaks and remove any component I needed to for service already, like a good little reef plumber.
    My entire RO system is under the kitchen sink including the pressure vessel, and the DI is in the garage. So I think in will make myself a big note next to the DI container reminding me to shut off that pressurized line!
  6. melev's Avatar
    Matt - so far, the Biospheres are working as promised. I tested the water after 30 days (and that doesn't count the two weeks of seeding them with the previous pellets), and nitrate and phosphates measured zero.

    I've added so many fish recently that I doubt they will be able to keep up with the bioload. Fortunately, my friend comes over Sunday to pick up all of his fish that are in my sump's return section, so that will help somewhat. There are 5 tangs, 2 wrasses, and 3 or 4 anthers in there.

    ATM (what's your first name?) - If you'd asked me 10 years ago if I'd be running a 400g one day, I would have said "heck no!" - that's when I was still keeping my 29g and had recently gotten a 55g. The rest is history, but I try to document to help others plan ahead for their own systems.
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    It looks busy to me. One just has to imagine the fish swimming and how big the tank is. How many yellow tangs did you add?
  8. melev's Avatar
    For some reason the pictures don't really make it look all that busy to me. I found two tiny fish in both the external overflow and the return section. I'd purchased three of them, but haven't seen even one until those were discovered. I'll have to get them back in the reef.

    The fish are all getting used to each other. Maybe in a week or so, they will be more comfortable and visible. I only added the latest batch on Tuesday afternoon.
  9. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looks real nice Marc! I love plenty fish in the tank.
  10. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Thanks for the pics. Maybe one or two today when all the lights are on?

    Looks good and busy now!
  11. melev's Avatar
    A couple of pictures were added, but I'm guessing video will be better.
  12. Wes's Avatar
    Thats what you call it huh?! lol, hmmmm...i have to say, i probably picked up too many lately myself, but the Sohol and Purple tang are in their proper place, QT! The percs however, went strait in, yikes!
  13. Blake's Avatar
    I know i have said these several times today but Mark you show true mastery of the art of reef keeping. I dream of having and being able to support and care for what you have and one day i will have the set-ups you have haha and please do make more documented blogs on everything you do to these tanks. ESPECIALLY a blog that goes from the ground up step-by-step of how u set-up, cycled, and maintained your systems (recently) because i would very much like to know how to create success from the start haha. your tanks are the best man keep it up!
  14. melev's Avatar
    I just took two pictures, but it doesn't look busy enough. I'll try again tonight just before feeding the reef.
  15. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    How about some pics?!
  16. Blake's Avatar
    gotta quarantine man its a must. However you are a reefer heavyweight in this hobby so ill let it slide lol
  17. Midnight's Avatar
    Here I was trying to figure out what fish I wanted to add to the system. I think I still need more poopers for my corals.
  18. OneReef's Avatar
    With my new tank setup now, I am having to daily talk my self out of going out and buying a bunch of fish to fill my tank with.... ha
  19. chuck's Avatar
    I just finished reading an older post you wrote on the importance of quarantining in the reef magazine and then i read this LOL

    Personally I do not see how you keep up with yourself lately... here this day.... there the next..... and still maintain such an awesome display tank
  20. jlemoine2's Avatar
    On the bright side, you are honest with yourself and recognize the mistakes. I think we all tend to cut corners in our hobby, especially when life gets very busy... making it difficult to spend the proper amount of time caring for our animals.