Blog Comments

  1. MMoore0324's Avatar
    Nice Photo's Marc although unfortunate circumstances with the subject mater. I'm glad your neighbors are safe.
  2. Paul B's Avatar
    Melev I know of the one you have.
  3. melev's Avatar
    It isn't that the probe's handle was too long, it was impossible to zap frags that had aiptasia if they are too close to the surface of the water.

    I have a different kind that allows me to hook the ground in the tank and use the probe to zap the pests. It's pretty handy in the frag tank.
  4. Paul B's Avatar
    I know about the issues of a shallow tank and I used to make a shorter model for that purpose. We spoke to the factory about that and hope to soon offer a shorter model.
  5. melev's Avatar
    I used the one I purchased from you, and have it out on loan right now. It's easy to use in my reef tank, but not in a shallow frag tank or when corals are near the surface. Definitely fun to use and makes me feel good when I'm cooking aiptasias.
  6. Paul B's Avatar
    Melev, Thanks, have you tried the thing yet?
  7. melev's Avatar
    Looks better, Paul.
  8. Paul B's Avatar
    I am lost on this site which is why I just found this post.
    The patent takes about 1`8 months so it should post in 6 months or so.
    It has been selling better than I expected so far and the latest revision is really nice looking and works very well.
    The device is now black and this is a picture of the business end which is now injection moulded.

    Updated 11-03-2011 at 03:14 PM by Paul B
  9. dzrtrataz's Avatar
    Have you notice any difference in these pellets vice the other.
  10. trplxj's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    At first the Purple was very aggressive to them, but since there were so many newcomers that aggression subsided within hours.
    Good to know, thanks!! I currently have a purple tang and want to add some other tangs when I move my reef into a new tank but I wasn't real sure how well that would work.
  11. melev's Avatar
    At first the Purple was very aggressive to them, but since there were so many newcomers that aggression subsided within hours.
  12. trplxj's Avatar
    Nice fish. I have one question though. How does the purple tang get along with the 3 yellows? I've heard that the purples don't play well with some other tangs.
  13. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    I see the tank is coming along very well. Nice mix of pretty fish and pretty corals. I love how you have so many chromis. I just add a few extra to my tank and I like they way they move around the tank. A lot of people might overlook them but I think they're great. If your tank feels like its lacking some color or movement, I would recommend you get a small school of chromis.
    Good job!!!
  14. melev's Avatar
    I have three but they are very elusive. Two are in the overflow and I put one in the reef today that was in the sump. I may try putting them in the frag tank instead.

    They are supposedly able to clean fish, but so far I've not seen anything like that.

    All the fish I was holding for my friend were picked up today, and that's a huge relief. I did a little math last night and I have right around 75 fish in my tank at the moment.
  15. UkSweeney's Avatar
    How many Yellow Line Gobies do have? Do they group? Also do you think being so small they/it could easily got lost/become acasualty. I do think is great you have them in there as when they live in the sea most fish have an bigger territories than our tanks, but maybe your tank could be the size of theirs.
  16. melev's Avatar
    That makes sense. So the line from the bladder tank has another Tee or two Tees to feed a water spigot and the icemaker in the fridge.
  17. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Marc he has a check valve between the t ( that is between the ro and di unit) and the bladder tank which allows water to enter the badder tank but not back feed to the di when the valve is opened on it for tank water. It removes your manual valve. I think this what he talking about , and is the way I have mine set up
  18. melev's Avatar
    I've been watching the Potters and he's only nipping at the rock work all the time. Rather than my corals. Hope that stays his M.O.
  19. baker.shawn's Avatar
    those Anthias are beautiful!! they are awesome in groups
    sweet potters, what does he like to eat in your tank?
  20. SaltCritters's Avatar
    we have a BRS 300gpd system and I've had my pressure tank feeding the DI for years. Still getting 0tds on 11 month old di resin