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  1. Apex updated to Fusion

    For months, hobbyists have clamoured for Fusion. We learned about it in 2013, and by MACNA it was showcased to excited attendees. I attended the special Apex class Friday morning with about 75 others, and we loved what we were hearing. No more fighting network protocols, no port forwarding, no DYNDNS redirects, no email address workarounds. Fusion solved all that, and we just had to wait until November for the release.

    It took longer naturally. December rolled around and a handful ...
    Tags: apex, fusion
  2. Getting gear mounted

    The area under the 60g needed to be better organized. With the stand reinforced with wood panels, it made it easy to secure the various devices in place. It's still a work in progress, but here's a quick update shot.

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Views: 2417
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    What you're seeing here is part of my Ecotech collection. Two Vortech Mp40w pumps are close by, one on the 400g and the other on the 60g. The large square object is the Vortech Battery Backup. This battery will keep both pumps ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Equipment
  3. Strengthening the steel stand

    After placing the 60g AGE tank on the Ez-Tube steel stand ( link ), I didn't feel comfortable with how it seemed to jiggle with minimal touch. It was empty, but the tank is heavy enough that it takes two people to place it on the stand. Water, sand and rock would add 600 lbs easily, and there's little doubt it would be even worse over time. Even cleaning the glass with a cleaning magnet would probably be concerning, so I decided to add some wood panels to the stand to limit racking. Plywood ...

    Updated 11-04-2013 at 03:29 PM by melev

    Tags: eztube
  4. 60g cube stand

    The new stand for the 60g cube arrived about 10 days ago. I ordered it from, and it was a very simple design.

    8) 22" square steel pipe, powdercoated
    4) 31" square steel pipe, powdercoated
    8) tri-corner pieces, heavy duty

    What I like about Ez-Tube is that they will cut everything, file the edges to remove any sharp burrs, and pack it carefully. Here are all the pictures. The only tool I needed was a rubber mallet to hammer it together.
    Tags: eztube
  5. Waste collector magic

    As I've explained previously, when my skimmer's cup gets full I end up with a wet mess on and around the sump. Prior to MACNA I set up a waste collector tied to the Apex to avoid the clean up. While away, my tank sitter had to empty it out once, but until today I'd not seen first hand how it worked. I knew in theory what should happen, but it's nice to see a plan work out as expected.

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    The Phosphates measured .33 yesterday.

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