I was way too busy last week, so that video is a few days late. But I had a pretty decent excuse... Here's the Behind The Scenes footage from the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla, California.
Jennifer Nies is a passionate business owner, who has been doing this for twenty years, but you'd never know it looking at her. Here's her story. Also, I update you on the Elos Nitrate test kit, which incorrectly tells users to shake the vial for five minutes.
I'm decluttering my reef and things are being pulled, snapped and broken. I've had to make some major changes in the tank today, and have more to go. I knew I wouldn't like it, but when corals grow so big they travel up the viewing panels, you have start ripping some corals out. Lots of pieces are in the frag tank now. The reef is different... and will be even moreso in the next week or two.
Updated 09-18-2016 at 11:13 PM by melev
Last weekend at MACNA, everyone wanted to see Jim's new invention, the Alkalinity Monitor. Here's my interview with him where he demonstrated and explained how it operates. A gizmo measures alkalinity all the time, and if so programmed could text you with important updates... interested yet?
This week's video was a topic I thought about six months ago, and knew I'd need to feature because I really believe "Everyone should be reading Coral!" And here's a recent picture of the reef, viewed best on a desktop with a wider browser.