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  1. Pictures of the livestock

    Since the breakdown of the 400g, I've not really be motivated to share images of what is going on. The more I think about it, the more aggravated I become with the situation of having to start all over again, and about the losses of corals during the switchover.

    Here's how the reef looks to me each day.

    I feel like I'm ignoring Spock since she's kind of out of sight, and it's a squeeze for me to ...
  2. Going through the emails tonight...

    I saw this video submission that I figured you might get a kick out of. If you really want the bottom of your barebottom tank cleaned, this could be one method.

    Random Thoughts
  3. Video update

    I've been very busy with everything lately, not unlike many of you. The 400g is completely empty, and Marineland and I are still trying to come up with the best plan to get the reef up and running again. I took a few pictures of the livestock but haven't had the time to edit and share them here on RA.

    However, I shot a brief video when I was dosing Phosphate Rx to bring the level down where it belongs, and wanted to share:

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