Blog Comments

  1. dread240's Avatar
    I wish my current problem was that my rose was too big. I've been asking around on a few forums if anybody has a smaller rose anemone, like they had one split and is now taking up residence in their tank and they want to part with it. I've been unable to find a decent one in a LFS and the ones online will cost me near $200 to get here, and with needing other stuff still, it's just not in the cards yet
  2. wee beasty's Avatar
    The pics are great.

    I do belive though that the polka-dotted mushroom is actually one that has flatworms on it.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah, I did see someone on YouTube, he made frags on mushrooms. He said as long as you go through their mouth you can get as many as you can. He was making four frag out of one mushroom.
  4. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    You can frag Anenomes. You cut them in half at the mouth. But Marc will not he loves this one the way it is.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Man, awesome pictures and species. The goby with the pistol shrimp; can that shrimp live with pepperints and cleaner shrimp? In the last marine tank I had snails that were laying eggs like that all ovdr the glass. I need to get a fancy camera like that. When I go in the LFS's I bring my scope and I usually have my face up against the glass. If I don't bring my ccane in people think I have some other problem then
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    It's beautiful for sure, and hosting that cute clown too. Don't ya wish ya could frag it? That would solve ya problem.
  7. BigAl07's Avatar
    Wow! It's beauty!!!!
  8. melev's Avatar
    Not a bad idea at all.
  9. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    If you buy more hemits, could you rotate these to the sump and let them get hungry again?
  10. melev's Avatar
    It is an Acropora formosa, and it has always been exposed for 15 to 30 minutes every night when I feed my reef. It never had this problem until the past few weeks. It was a rich peacock blue but now it is marred. I hope it will heal up. Obviously these hermits aren't going to stay in this colony, but perhaps I keep buying new hungry ones from the LFS and place them on it, I'll get it cleaned up to where the coral will go back to its former beauty.
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Marc, this is a wild shot, but is that one of the acro species that's normally exposed at low tide in the wild? Like this If so I'm wondering if you could drop the tank level for a couple hours, exposing the algae and possibly weaking, or killing it that way?
  12. melev's Avatar
    It's always something, right? Well, the hammer is perking up.

    But now a patch of white appeared on the Orange Blob.

    I guess the coral knows I won't frag it, so it is going to take matters into its own polyps.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Here are some updated pictures. I feel a little better about the situation.

  14. BigAl07's Avatar
    Wow! I knew you saved BIG on that unit! Like I said I sold mine (and it was 3 years old) for $150 with the DC-8. It's nice to be in the right place at the right time. I'm usually the guy who comes in right AFTER the lucky guy LOL!

    Phil that's pretty cool. I worked with some PLC's "back in the day" ... well I was around them and we had MT to actually work with/ON them. Once you get all the modules and get the hang of the logic you can do almost anything with a good PLC. That's basically what more controllers are except they are overly simplified. I LOVE My controller
  15. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Don't worry, you will.
  16. melev's Avatar
    I may take a picture of it today, but to be frank, I'm a little disgusted by its look and didn't really care to document it. I have used a powerhead to move some water through it, but I almost have to use one with some tubing just to wash it down like a small fire hose. That I have not done.

    I checked on it a few times last night, and those 5 hermits were still on there, picking away.

    There's no easy way to remove it, as it grew onto the overflow and I hope and pray it never falls off.

    Bigger tank?! No, not at this time.
  17. UkSweeney's Avatar
    "With the tips near the surface of the water, no fish can swim above to nibble it away"

    Maybe its time for a bigger tank ?
  18. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    Marc how are would it be for you to remove the coral to clean it? What about placing another powerhead near it and have it blow directly on the coral to try and blow off the dead algae?
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Since I've had my lights off for those three days to control the green algae that was forming all over my rock, now I have that red/ brown algae all on my substate. It creeps on my liverock and covers my different colored sponges. What do you think I can do about this now? Melev, sounds like the same algae. I wonder, my PH is low also, wonder if thY has anything to do with the algae?
  20. Tyron's Avatar
    OMG, I havent posted anything on this site yet, BUT THAT was enough to make anybody post....BWahaahahahaaha. I laughed so hard, and i think im crying....yep im crying! and at the end....."i miss my nano." oh GOD. Instant "Hilarity"!!