Blog Comments

  1. Bobbywade's Avatar
    Talk about your rage!!! Such stress relief!!
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah sleep will be good for ya neck too! ;-)
  3. melev's Avatar
    Thanks. Going to bed now so I'll wake up in time to make my appointment.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hope everything goes good tomorrow for ya Marc. ;-)
  5. melev's Avatar
    Trust me, with the amount of pain I've been in, this is a welcome relief. My doctor told me that this is nothing by comparison and told me to skip the anesthesia.

    Hopefully within 72 hours or less, I'll be in better shape than I am right now.
  6. kileysmama's Avatar
    Oh dear.... injections in the spine.... Icky yuck. I do NOT like needles. Even a bit. I waited until I was in delirious amounts of pain before having any kind of IV or epidural with my kids. And even then I second guessed....

    I can't even comment on the rest of your post. Injections in the spine!!! EEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!
  7. melev's Avatar
    I've considered pocket doors repeatedly, but there simply isn't enough wall to pull it off.

    The french drain idea is really taking shape, I'm happy to report. I was a little concerned about a sink draining into it, but since it isn't going to the actual sewer system, my concerns were unwarranted.
  8. melev's Avatar
    I just had my friend over to discuss the plumbing and what he suggested is to break up the concrete around the pipes about 4" deep. He can then re-sweat the plumbing over to where I need it to be so it is out of the way. Glad that is going to work out.
  9. mro2you2's Avatar
    I want to hear another one of his reefing songs
  10. washingtond's Avatar
    Wow this is quite a project you got going there, thanks for documented it step by step. This is good information for others that would like to do something similar in the future.
  11. gimmito's Avatar
    Father and son bonding at its best.
  12. michika's Avatar
    Are you only overhauling the fish room or will some of these renovations extend further into your house?
  13. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Loved the recap, very entertaining. Glad to see the work has begun.
  14. mr. fix it's Avatar
    marc, what about a pocket door, it looks like you could fit it in. i think a frag tank would be great, now that your in the planning stage you could put it anywhere, but the closer to your sump might save some extra plumbing. i like the idea of the french drain, and a tile floor that could be great additions to the room. keep us updated, i like it.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Lol...Looks like you and ya son had fun! Did ya get much "stuff in ya sump from the demo'. I know I was doing some work in the canopy and I thought I'd cleaned it out good but when I closed it up "stuff" went all in my tank. I still have things in my internal overflow. Lol... I need someone who can see to get it out for me... Haha. I can't wait for post of closet demo! Very entertaianing!
  16. mro2you2's Avatar
    yeah your old tank stuff will only fill up half of your new. more coral!
  17. TomNeely's Avatar
    I cant wait to see the new tank!
  18. melev's Avatar
    I'd really prefer a forcefield if I had that option! Just zoosh! zoosh! and I'm in or out. But since we aren't as advanced as Star Trek quite yet, I'm going to have to go with a real door. The area directly to the right of the door will be the external overflow and the two Dart pumps, so I don't imagine I'll be doing anything in that particular spot too often.

    The new sump will fit underneath the tank within the stand. How quaint, right?
  19. smoothie's Avatar
    Awesome! That was entertaining. Can't wait to see the rest. Glad to see a fuge full of fonky goodness
  20. NightShade's Avatar
    Well unless copious amounts of air enter the line there shouldn't be much of a problem as far as I can see. Water will always seek it's own level if it's not interfered with. So basically you figure the top of the sump will be 18 inches off of the floor. Your angled tank will be about 36 to 40 inches off of the floor. Water going into a drain even if going below the floor level will still flow out of the other end, flow may be a bit more limited than before but still feasible.

    The only thing I am thinking about the door is that should you say. . . add a small table/ladder/fragtank etc. near the end of your tank where your door will swing you may have some difficulties. Kinda like how your previous sump was into the fish room a bit. If the door into the dining area swung in to the room that sump would never have worked. But maybe a bi-fold door would be in order it would not come into the room or hallway much at all.