Blog Comments

  1. Blown76mav's Avatar
    I bet he was thinking "Look at this giant litter box".....
  2. FabRight's Avatar
    A very rare air breathing rabbit fish?
  3. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Did you discard all the old sand from the other tank?
  4. melev's Avatar
    I'll keep taking pictures of what is happening. Just posted a new blog entry as well as a new front page article here on R.A.
  5. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    I'd like to transfer my livestock into the aquarium before the end of the year.
    Wow, that's quicker than I thought. Please don't spare one moment to documentation. I have been anxiously waiting for the moment everything's transferred. take lots of pictures.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Robb - I'd like to transfer my livestock into the aquarium before the end of the year. I don't know if I'll have the new sump built by then, but maybe. I'm toying with the plan to run the plumbing to the current sump so I can get some living & kitchen space back finally.

    Jonathan - Silicates, schmilicates. Regarding the stored water, as long as the container is sealed and has constant circulation, it should be good.

    Agsansoo - I tried some out and liked what I saw, and decided to go with it this time.

    Happy holidays everyone.
  7. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Very nice end-of-year tests Marc. But how are the silicates???
    Soo one thing to keep in mind when storing that much purified water, is that it is very unstable, since it has zero buffering capability. The water can actually go "bad" (at least taste-wise) in short order. I have not fully vetted the whole storage dilemma, but it is my hypothesis that circulation and lower temps. seem to help.
  8. agsansoo's Avatar
    What made you decide on that salt mix ?
  9. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Question: what is your estimate for having the livestock back in and the system up and running; ie a functioning tank but maybe missing the trim or other minor, final details?
  10. mhowe9's Avatar
    Cool Marc, looks like you are almost done!
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Awesome Marc! The fish room looks nice in that last pic. ;-)
  12. Mustang's Avatar
    WOOO HOOO Mac your almost there. Maybe Santa and his elf's will do it for you tonight. Have a Merry Christmas all.
  13. Deanb's Avatar
    Got mine its really nice
  14. melev's Avatar
    A friend of mine on DFWMAS just posted this link with some good suggestions for future lunar photo ops.
  15. Trido's Avatar
    I tried real hard to get some pics last night but didnt have my tripod. Nice pics.
  16. melev's Avatar
    When the moon was re-appearing, a lot of clouds were blowing in. It was still neat to see.
  17. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I was outside working on the house last night and completely forgot about it. I was even outside while it was happening.
  18. fishtal's Avatar
    Nice Marc! I was only able to see a little at the beginning before it got too cloudy.
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Okay Marc, my wife gave-in and said she will order it today. I hope ;-/ she did say the same thing last ;-)
  20. slallen's Avatar
    They are great. Just noted the settings you said you were using. I certainly have been there. I saw the pic you took with Jessy and they were also great. For the star shots you will want a longer exposure and an open aperture (lower f stop). The moon is a different story since it is so bright. I wish it had not been cloudy in my area. Again great shots!