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  1. The Jerk... caught red handed

    Well, after wondering what has been eating snails eggs, hermits, snails, and coral... I finally found out what it was. Fiancee called me while I was at work to let me know that one my my mithrax crabs looked really funny and was eating a snail. I followed up with a series of questions and figured I had a gorilla crab.

    Its not a gorilla crab, but none the less, a nasty one that needed to be removed. He put up a good fight, and now he resided in my sump. Its beyond me how he got in my ...
  2. Pest, or pal?

    Was looking over the tank and came across this weird guy. Since I have had sundial snails in the past, I was quick to get the tweezers after him. With a closer look, I am not really sure what to make of it. Its got a black/white striped partial shell, with a very distinct head and tail. The overall body is similar to a stomatella, but the markings certainly aren't. Any ideas?

  3. Wanting an SPS tank, questions inside.

    I have a few questions regarding what is best for a SPS only tank.
    The tank itself is a 20 gallon octaganol tank, which I am in the middle of resealing, and will be drilling later this month. I plan to have a good skimmer, and some chaeto, and supplementing with two part as opposed to a reactor. Just too costly for me right now, especially on a 20 gallon. It will have about 15lbs of LR in the display and another 15 in the sump, or at least thats the plan. I dont have my rock structure planned ...