Blog Comments

  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looking good Heathd! I love the rock background too, awesome!
  2. chuck's Avatar
    Nice back what did you use to make that?
  3. melev's Avatar
    It's ALIVE!!!
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I really like the back I am defiantly going that route next build
  5. melev's Avatar
    You can buy the 8-switch version from Guitar Center if you are determined to have your family purchase and ship it instead of using Amazon's online store.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
  7. Heathd's Avatar
    I havent bought mine yet, but when I do, it will be through
  8. steve8855's Avatar
    Can i ask where u got urs i have family in the us the could pic it up for me?
  9. Heathd's Avatar
    You can get them online through amazon, probably even newegg. If you want it locally, im not sure.
  10. steve8855's Avatar
    hey there can i ask where do u get the DJ power station?
  11. melev's Avatar
    Agreed. Love their products.
  12. Heathd's Avatar
    Im glad I went with savko for the ball valves. They turn effortlessly, not like the home depot valves that will seize and are difficult to turn off the shelf. I also like their unions better then what I can get locally too.
  13. melev's Avatar
    No problem. I edited for you to the Plumbing category.

    That's a good idea for the Mag 18. It should work out nicely.
  14. Heathd's Avatar
    Thanks Hat!

    And sorry Marc, I am awful about remembering to do that when I make new entries.

    So, still no leaks, but I am going to run it for two days to make sure. If everything plays well, then I will go to the trouble of mixing up saltwater and getting the cycling process started. It also turns out the that mag 18 running wide open is too much for my overflow to handle, so I have turned it back. Once I get a frag tank plumbed in, I will tee off it to feed the frag tank and I can go back to running it full throttle.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looks nice Heath! Post another pic when it's clear; it should be clear today.
  16. melev's Avatar
    Nice to see it coming together Heath. Don't forget to categorize your blog entries.
  17. melev's Avatar
    Just remember if your return pump feeds reactors, then they all power down when it is off. I prefer to have a separate pump for all the other gear if possible.

    The cabinet to the right or left is a great idea and allows more space under the tank for the sump.
  18. matt_longview's Avatar
    Sweet. I love that rock. When I go big, I'm going with that stuff!
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice to see your tank coming along. tank will look awesome with that rock work when it matures. It looks like you have almost everything to get it cranked up, can't wait!
  20. DJ in WV's Avatar
    love the way you did the back my next build will definitely be this style. Glad to see you making progress
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