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  1. Pest, or pal?

    Was looking over the tank and came across this weird guy. Since I have had sundial snails in the past, I was quick to get the tweezers after him. With a closer look, I am not really sure what to make of it. Its got a black/white striped partial shell, with a very distinct head and tail. The overall body is similar to a stomatella, but the markings certainly aren't. Any ideas?

  2. 130 gal. DAS build

    Its going to be slow. I am in and out of travel to Israel, but I am trying to move through this as fast as possible.

    The tank before I started on the rock background and after I had been tinkering with it a little.

    The sand I will be using, all 160lbs of it. I think this will be nice and not fly all over the place like the sugar grain stuff I currently have in my 75. ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  3. Coral ID Please

    I found this little guy about 2 months ago, withering away on the bottom of a piece of live rock I bought. Its skeletal structure was firmly attached to LR, so it was a hitch hiker.

    It and LPS, and has a small mouth located in the center of its polyp. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Updated 03-22-2011 at 12:05 PM by melev

    Tags: coral id
    Questions - Need some input
  4. Wanting an SPS tank, questions inside.

    I have a few questions regarding what is best for a SPS only tank.
    The tank itself is a 20 gallon octaganol tank, which I am in the middle of resealing, and will be drilling later this month. I plan to have a good skimmer, and some chaeto, and supplementing with two part as opposed to a reactor. Just too costly for me right now, especially on a 20 gallon. It will have about 15lbs of LR in the display and another 15 in the sump, or at least thats the plan. I dont have my rock structure planned ...
  5. A plethora of pictures

    I think this is my first blog post here on Reef Addicts.Today I've been trying to make some changes to my rock work, namely removing a lot of it, because of it catching food and other undesirables. I also went through a major scrub down on some hair algae about two months ago, and added 6 mithrax crabs that have destroyed the bubble algae. As much as I think they are jerks, I have to contend that they do a good job.

    Its a 75 gallon with 2 Koralia 3 power heads, a mag5 & mag7 for ...

    Updated 01-09-2011 at 01:39 AM by melev

    Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video
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