As I contemplate options for modifying the sump on my 65G display tank, I'm also faced with question about plumbing and lighting. My existing setup includes a separate submersible pump that feeds a Teco T20 (1/3 HP) Chiller. It runs pretty frequently, but does a good job of keeping temperature in a nice tight range. I've noticed very few people on this site even mention chillers, which made me wonder how common they are (especially here in TX). Something in my system imparts significant ...
Updated 11-20-2010 at 02:25 AM by melev
I could use some insight… I have a 65G reef tank that I inherited from a friend 3 years ago when he moved away and couldn't take it with him. At the time I knew almost nothing about reefkeeping, but over the last 3 years I've learned a lot. I've had some success propagating leather corals and bubble tip anemones, kept up with maintenance items, and recently discovered Vortech pumps (those things are awesome). However, during that time my tank has become completely over run with ...