Blog Comments

  1. cyano's Avatar
    I would personally say no bigger than a 75 gallon to be on the safe side, and thats assuming you are doing a sump with lots of live rock. I have a single level with a crawlspace and a 75 gallon was actually a little on the big side for that floor and I eventually moved it to a different room with a much stronger floor but you can tell where the 75 gallon sat as the floor bowed in that spot causing you to see a noticeable gap between the floor and the trim on the wall.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Isn't it amazing how much money we spent when you have to get a bunch of this and that. Those little baggies add up quickly.
  3. NEReef's Avatar
    Will do! I am looking into 100W and Blue versions right now as well. The one I just made is 20K and looks blueish so I dont need an all blue one but I know some people really love their blue tanks. It looks like a 100W version would only cost another $30-40 so I might have to build one and try it out to see how it compares. Also I am looking into dimmable as well. Will keep you posted!
  4. Mustang's Avatar
    Thanks NEReef that is good news and thanks for sharing. Please keep us posted on how this does on corals. I have been casually watching led builds now for over a year and so want to do one and it looks like i may have the cash in November.
  5. NEReef's Avatar
    No I haven't had a chance to get par readings on it yet. Im debating running it alongside my mh for a while to see how it grows corals or I might just go whole hog and build a bunch of them and see what happens. Or maybe I should just look into how much a par meter costs.
  6. dread240's Avatar
    Have you ever gotten par readings off of these?
  7. NEReef's Avatar
    Ya man I can totally do that. It will take me a few days to dig up all my receipts then figure out the cost per since I bought some things in bulk because I knew I would be making more then one. Also I couldn't find either of my soldering irons, my wire strippers, and my linesman pliers so I bought new ones. Sucks when you have your tools spread out over two houses and tenants living in one of them... Plus Im working the next two days so I wont be home from 6Am to 830PM each day and the Pats are playing Monday night football so tonight is a wash. But I will get it up in a couple days for sure.
  8. Mustang's Avatar
    If you get a chance on your next post would love to see a cost break down for one of these. Thanks
  9. melev's Avatar
    You're right, I forgot about that fan. Small vents along the perimeter, like vertical gaps about 1" tall, that could look aesthetically pleasing, if you can be meticulous and consistent.
  10. NEReef's Avatar
    well the heatsink already has a 92mm fan attached to it so i will just have to see how well it works in the housing. Id like to keep the number of holes in the housing as low as possible while not overworking the fan in an enclosed space. The last thing i need is the fan adding heat to the mix!
  11. melev's Avatar
    A computer fan blowing down or sucking heat up might fit in the PVC housing.
  12. NEReef's Avatar
    Ya I have some concerns. Im planning to drill some holes or cutting vents in the housing to provide adequate airflow. I think I will have to run it while im home sometime to monitor the temp or get a temp probe to ensure the housing doesn't get too hot.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Any concerns about trapped heat in the PVC housings?
  14. NEReef's Avatar
    I think I can probably get away with three but im debating adding a couple more just to really light it up. I held it up next to my 250Wx2 20k MH fixture and it looks just as bright as the 250W bulbs. I will try to get some pics to show how bright it is. I am pretty pleased with how its turning out so far.
  15. melev's Avatar
    That's coming along nicely.
  16. Jato460's Avatar
    do you know how many you will need for your 125 yet?
  17. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Krylon fussion is the best paint ive found for plastic
  18. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I wouldnt spray them with anything like that. Well maybe you could just cut a twist lock pattern into the to pieces and cut a grove for a o-ring instead of the gasket on the inner pipe. Would take some time but a dremel is a handy tool to fab with
  19. NEReef's Avatar
    Good catch DJ! They were all Lowes had in stock so I decided to use them for this mock up. Im faced with a decision: find a different type of clasp or figure out a way to coat them to protect them. Im looking online now to try to find different clasps. One of my buddies suggested just spraying them with that dry silicone spray you put on tools to keep them from rusting but I am not sure how I feel about that. Any thoughts?
  20. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I like it but are those zinc coated clamps you plan on hanging over your tank
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