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  1. Detritus eaters?

    I cleaned out the AquaFuge HOB refugium of the detritus that's been accumulating for the past 4 months, and it was much worse than I thought. It was a silt-like layer of grey dirt that lined the bottom of the 'fuge. All that detritus might have been feeding the small patches of cyanobacteria and hair algae in my tank, so hopefully the cleaning will take care of it.

    On one hand, I'm glad that it's been collecting in the 'fuge instead of the main tank, but then again it's a sign that ...
  2. Free Swimming Bristle Worms

    I probably spend more time watching my medusa worms scour the sand for food than I spend looking at my clownfish. I would watch my bristle worms too but they rarely make public appearances. Tonight, I found these guys swimming towards my moonlight:

    It's about 6-7mm long, and I'm pretty certain that it's an epitoke, a free-swimming reproductive stage of an annelid worm (bristle worms, medusa worms, ...
  3. Nothing Has Died, plus BayMAC and Florida

    No update in months, but all is well. I should start each post with "nothing has died" since that's always good news for a beginner, so let me start over:

    Nothing has died. Most corals showing growth, especially the frogspawns and hammers, and worms are more numerous--and that's a good thing 'cause I love my spaghetti worms. My tank reached a point where I was able to "safely neglect" it, although I still gave it weekly water changes. Actually, that's almost all ...

    Updated 05-17-2011 at 09:58 PM by gerbilbox

  4. Rockin'

    My rocks arrived! Creating an aquascape was a little more challenging than I expected. My first attempts at stacking a bunch of rocks looked exactly like a stacked bunch of rocks. I had a specific vision in my head, but my early attempts were not cohesive. After an hour of playing with them and some great suggestions from my roommate, I got something I like, but not quite final:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMGP1329.jpg
Views:	415
Size:	269.3 KB
ID:	3150

    My basic vision is to be mindful of negative space, use the rule of thirds ...

    Updated 11-09-2010 at 01:39 AM by gerbilbox
