Blog Comments

  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow, thanks Max and Marc! I'm looking to buy new lighting any day now and have been looking around. ;-)
    Updated 11-24-2010 at 08:10 AM by Hat39406
  2. melev's Avatar will have a 10% off all Cyber Weekend.

    Champion Lighting has a discount as well.
  3. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    Lots of them that I will list (hopefully this isn't breaking any rules, I honestly have no ties to any of these companies...I'm a 16 year old kid)

    Bulk Reef Supply: 10% off EVERYTHING, expires 11/24 @Midnight, Code: blackfriday10

    Salty Supply: Various great deals on all gear, specifically: 20% off PRODIBIO orders of $200+ BLKPROD, 15% off additive orders over $159 BLKSEA, 10% off metal halide bulbs BLKBULBS, 15% off all heaters BLKHEATER, all these codes are only good on 11/26 (black friday)

    Marine Depot: Various deals on all kinds of items, ends 12/13

    That Fish Place: Various deals on everything, specifically Instant Ocean users...Reef Crystals 200gal boxes only 44.99, Normal 200gal box of IO is only 38.99

    I feel like I sound like a car dealership commercial...
    I'm sure there are more deals out there....these are the only ones that came through email lists etc.

    Hope all of this helps
    - Max
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Max, I can't answer any of ya questions but I'm glad ya asked them because I want to know more about the subject myself. Let me ask you though, do you know of any on-line aquaria supply having a sale? If so who? Thanks- HAT
  5. Myhahockeykid's Avatar

    4 beautiful heads, they look even better under the actinics but I couldnt get a picture to do them justice
  6. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    well the pink fuzzy algae was gone when I checked the fuge this afternoon...I'm guessing it could have been lint or something? I know this sounds silly but I swear it looked like the nasty cotton candy algae i've seen people ask about before. more strange algae problems for now :P got a gorgeous Acan frag from my LFS today for only 15 bucks, pics to follow.
  7. David W's Avatar
    Its probably cryno bacteria or some sort. I had some in my tank until the dude at the lfs gave me this bag to put in my filter and it went away and hasn't came back yet.
  8. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    ok...that does make sense to me, I also have this strange pink coating on some the sand in my refugium, it kind of looks like "cotton candy" algae? Any ideas of how to control it? Reduce the refugiums photoperiod? It is currently on from 12am to 5am because my tank is in my bedroom.
  9. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Agreed, you created a competition for phosphates and the GFO is winning the battle, I wouldn't be surprised that your chaeto will eventually die off
  10. dread240's Avatar
    well the GFO is removing nutrients from the water that your chaeto would normally uptake. It's now relying solely on light and probably nitrates in order to keep growing. Overall I'd still say you're better off now, especially if it's dieing off, you're testing 0 on phosphate, and your nitrates are extremely low (preferrably 0)
  11. stangchris's Avatar
    I have my lights one hqi, actinic supplement , fan and heater on other 2. have set to go on or off at set temps. return pump, ATO, reactor and skimmer are in a dj switch board with there own on off switches, my vortech is also on there
  12. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    I watched the video and the flow in your tank looks great, I think with just a bit under that in my tank I will be good. I'm currently debating whether or not to put the k evo's on the RKL wavemaker, I've never used a wavemaker before so I figured I'd ask people who do/have used them. I currently plan on using the RKL with 1 plug for my ATO pump (aqualifter), 1 for my heater, and the other 2 are free...any ideas on what to use them for? I also am not going to be purchasing any more equipment in the near future, so no more upgrades for the RKL, now just fish and corals. Stangchris, what do you currently have your RKL "doing" for you?
  13. stangchris's Avatar
    i run the rkl, i like it just hate that a set of more plugs cost 89 when a its 99 for the rkl. as for k evo's i had 2x1400's in a 65g(36x18x24) and it was great flow for my mixed reef, if you search my blogs i have a video of them. they say the k evos can put on a wave maker but i still got a lil chatter from mine.
  14. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    Here is a pic of the rockwork in my 55g, the 1050 koralia is on the left, and the MJ1200 is in the place that I intend on putting the koralia 750 in. does this seem good? The koralia is aimed towards the center of the front glass and is tilted just a slight bit up to avoid blowing the sand around on the bottom. Also attached is a pic of my 2 clowns in their new home. For size reference, the eggcrate on the left is a 5x4 piece that I made into a frag rack with an old mag float and some weld-on 4, more details some other time.

  15. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    I will post a picture of the new tank setup with the rockwork later tonight probably. I know that roughly 2000gph of flow in a 55 g tank (~40x turnover) is alot for a non SPS dominated system. but since the Koralias put out such nice wide flow and arent aimed at any rocks directly I hope I'll be ok. Thank you both for your help/input. Melev, also a personal thank you to you, your website provided me with so much help and inspiration for getting into this wonderful world of reefing. Your website has helped countless people achieve the tanks they have only dreamed of. Thank you!
  16. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    You might beat some LPS up so make sure they arent directly in front of the laser beams.
  17. melev's Avatar
    Taken care of.

    The RK-Lite is pretty self explanatory. Plug it in and plug your items in to the various outlets. The buttons are easy to navigate and all you have to do is set some timers.

    Flow should be okay, depending on your rockwork configuration.
  18. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    Mods...I seem to have triple posted? Care to help me delete the extras as I don't know how to?
  19. michika's Avatar
    Bi-colours seem to be hit and miss I hear; some are model citizens, others are vicious vicious devils. They're a nice angel though, but you also have think about what if they develop a taste for your softies.
  20. Sam11909's Avatar
    I have a 20l sump with skimmer, cryptic zone, and return sections. I like the coral list, but now that I look at the fish list again, it seems like a larger bioload for a 55. All I have is 2 ocellaris clowns, LM blenny, and coris wrasse and that is the most fish I will ever have. This is JMO but you might want to take the angel off the list.
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