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  1. cycle complete

    Well after 4-5 weeks my cycle is complete

    The two table shrimp are pretty much gone, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, and nitrates are between 0 and 5 ppm.. Temp is 77-78 degrees, salinity is right on the mark. Calcium seemed high at like 480-500 but it was my first test and not sure if i did it right.

    Did a 5 gallon water change today.

    But im concerned as I havent seen any algae or diatom blooms.....i have read many start up threads with these and im wondering ...
  2. Power outtage?

    So I came home, and found my return pump sucking air and blowing it into the DT.

    Open the cabinet doors to find the water level in the return area was low....
    now I know the water level didnt evaporate that much as I added like 2-3 gallons of top off yesterday.I adjusted the return pump flow down to allow the water to catch back up and then was able to open the valve completely open again and things stabilized and no issues....I added another gallon of top off just to be safe... ...
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Electrical , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Equipment
  3. Tank is almost ready

    Well its been a long time in the making...

    Started looking at a SW tank about 2 years ago....Did lots of research and actually had a tank and a lot of equipment already purchased to set one up.

    But life got in the way and I ended up selling most of it.

    Well I got the bug again and started over. Got a 60g acrylic tank off CL and started working on getting equipment and now its up and running.

    DT is a 60g and Im running a 20L sump underneath. ...
    Tank - Full Summary