Blog Comments

  1. Zmckenzie's Avatar
    A lot of members in our club have been using the Super Reef Octopus XP series and they love them
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    I second the Reef Dynamics, I have been very happy with my INS180. great quality product.
  3. dread240's Avatar
    where'd you find a wii fish?
  4. Wes's Avatar
    I just bought an octopus sro3000 cone and it started skimming immediately. super fine bubbles and nice dark skimmate. it was a great purchase for my 210. you might could get away with a sro2000 on your 180.
  5. mledford's Avatar
    I like Euro Reef or (Reef Dynamics)

    I have the RS250 Euro Reef...
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Close to morgantown where WVU is. Its off I79 about 35mile south from the WV-PA boarder. Im in Idamay which is a old coal mine town.
  7. Jaxom's Avatar
    Where in WV are you, I was in Martinsburg all this week, just got back to TX around 6 PM. Things are really coming along, good job.
  8. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Looks like a large effort from where i sit. :-) Good Steps forward.
  9. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looks like a lot of progress to me, good job! ;-)
  10. melev's Avatar
    DAS stands for Dutch Aquarium Systems. They own the Petorama pet store chain, and make tanks like the ones you saw as well as display tanks the people use in their homes and businesses.
  11. DJ in WV's Avatar
    yea i have a door in from outside and it is in 3 sections 4 ft long. He said he had them filled and there is no leaks. This place was a duplex when i bought it so both sides are mirror images i remodeled the up stairs but never did anything with the basement. Took one set of stairs out tonight only need with the wall opened up. The big hole there now is where the footer for a double sided chimney live before it was removed in the remodel. Have about 3 ft more in each direction to remove before i call the concrete truck. You know if these are usually filtered seperate or all on one system. What does the DAS stand for or is that like a build name?
  12. melev's Avatar
    Those look like DAS tanks setups used by many fish stores. Should be fine if there aren't any leaks.

    Can you get that assembly downstairs safely?
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