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DJ in WV

  1. Im outta here

  2. tank video around 6 months old

    just a little walk though of the coral since I can seem to take very good pics

    Updated 09-15-2011 at 09:22 PM by DJ in WV

    Tank Entry
  3. Does coral color reflect it's lighting requirements

    I been doing some research about this and cant find any hard core yes or no answers or really any good info to back this up either way. So my question would be do corals of the same species and genus with different color of zooxanthellae have different par requirements because of color
    Tags: lighting
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Lighting
  4. tunze being investigated

  5. Tank vid of new fish

    This is from 6/16 ill make a new on and post it soon. Just found this on my phone was taken to some a friend of mine
    Tags: tank video
    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions
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