Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    lol. Yeah, don't do that.
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i just took some readings im getting 0A but about 4v
  3. blennyman's Avatar
    Also - you should probe between GND and the various points on your LED strings. Each LED should have the same voltage across it and neighboring strings should be at the same relative voltage. If the heatsink isn't properly grounded as I suspect, and you have a short to the heatsink, the heatsink will end up being the same voltage as the node that shorted to it. If you then go back and ground the heatsink, the current will flow back to GND through the heatsink as the path of least resistance and the lights downstream of the short will likely not get enough current to light. Typically, I'll probe voltages. probe ground with the black probe and measure nodes with the red probe. If you want to measure stray current, you can do so by probing your heatsink directly in current mode. If you ground your heatsink, this should show 0A. (You can also measure stray current in your tank this way)
  4. blennyman's Avatar
    Try grounding your fixture. Proper grounding is often overlooked in DIY projects and can be very dangerous depending on the currents.

    After proper grounding, some of your LEDs will likely stop lighting up and you will know right where you have a short. Don't leave them on for very long in this state because you can burn them up depending on where the short is...

    I think the most common problem I've seen with DIY LED builds is that the wire is touching the package of the LED in addition to being soldered on the pad.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Yes, that is a feeding response.
  6. baker.shawn's Avatar
    thanks for the link! i think what im going to do is buy a 40long&short to hold everything in here in london during the moving process, then once the move is complete use it as my sump ( oh yeah! im going to have a sump room!!! and eventually a frag tank!)
  7. melev's Avatar
    I actually have an article on almost this exact situation. Take a look at this for some suggestions:
  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    Glad to see the corals coloring up, Shawn!
  9. baker.shawn's Avatar
    thanks! they are my favorites!
  10. steve8855's Avatar
    i love the green one in the middle and in the back corner
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    All looks great Shawn! It does look like one head of Blasto. Your Acans are beautiful!
  12. baker.shawn's Avatar
    perhaps, its soo small its hard to tell,its been that size for about 4months :/
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    Isn't that what they call a blasto?
  14. baker.shawn's Avatar
    thanks guys, if i had more room in the tank i would of bought more, the only problem is im completly maxed out for space, i have a feeling the brown will become blue, today the green tips are much more visible. im expecting to wait about 3-4weeks for it to color up...does this seem right?
  15. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Almost every ugly duckling coral I get at the LFS will color up under the proper conditions. I find it almost fun to see how the coral will turn out! Nice find, Shawn!
  16. joeogio's Avatar
    awesome find man i hope it colors out
  17. baker.shawn's Avatar
    none of the plugs were in too rough of shape however all the prongs had black stuff on them to some degree, the back of the powerbar was really melted though
  18. melev's Avatar
    Excellent advice, Shawn. Sometimes these power strips fail due to age and salt creep. It could have been a surge from the heater that zapped it perhaps. Did any of the plugs look cooked, or was it not possible to tell?
  19. Midnight's Avatar
    Sorry to hear about the hectic morning, on Friday the 13th anything goes I guess. Glad everything is ok though.
  20. baker.shawn's Avatar
    thanks guys, i have it mounted up on the overflow now...just a matter of time till its encrusting i hope!
    ill get a pic tomorrow!

    good news is that little frag is slowly recovering, i have 2 others like it with very little color, ill be posting about that tomorow though
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