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New Additions

  1. i went to buy salt, and came home with a frag

    Today I made the trip across town to pick-up salt I ordered BoxingDay, while I was looking around I noticed a ultra-superman monti and couldn’t say no for $30. I plan to mount it on my overflow box with a rubber coated magnet, the plan is to have it encrust, I’m also looking for a sunset monti for the other side of my overflow but they are very hard to come by here. Ill post some pics once it’s mounted!

    New Additions
  2. Meet Mary Jane My Potters Angel

    Yesterday i saw online that my LFS had a potters angel which was perfect because I’ve been looking for one. this morning i ran over to get it, it’s about 1.5" and beautiful. i have no idea if its male of female but I’ve decided she’s a girl her name is Mary Jane hahaha get it she’s a POTTers angel ahahaha

    anyways she just finished acclimating and is exploring the ...

    Updated 10-28-2011 at 01:50 PM by baker.shawn

    New Additions
  3. new coral, turns out i cant say no

    Hey friends,

    So last night a local reefer posted coral for sale on the local forum, i jumped on the opportunity and bought 2 colonys and 2 frags. This brings the total up to 19 new pieces of coral in the last 3weeks my sand bed is getting extremely full! im acclimating now i will have pics up once everything is in the tank im going to need help with ID as we werent sure what one of the corals is.

    teal/green acro

    Updated 10-22-2011 at 02:27 PM by baker.shawn

    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions
  4. My new frags

    As expected today FedEx delivered my frags from
    Everything was packed very well in an insulated box with a heat pack and lots of newspaper, i floated, dripped then dipped them and got them in the tank nice and quick. Overall I’m quite happy with the size of the frags except for 1 or 2 that are very small,bug still decent for the price, I will post pics tonight when im home from work, hopefully by then everything will be opened up

    Here is a list of what ...

    Updated 10-12-2011 at 11:19 PM by baker.shawn

    New Additions
  5. purple firefish pair + Helfrichi Goby pair hmmmmm

    okay so im going to make this short because i have to run to work sooo

    i have the chance to get 2 Helfrichi Gobys for 80bucks, here they are normally 120 each, however in my tank (45cube) i already have a pair of purple firefish, im just thinking similar spicies+bodyshape+late addition= aggresion and dead fish, does anyone know if this will work? they are fairly pieceful fish last i checked.
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