Blog Comments

  1. Midnight's Avatar
    I disagree, I think it is a phymanthus anenome
  2. dpmamay's Avatar
    Okay, I am sure someone else can confirm this especially Melev with all the experience he has with these but I think that your "phymanthus anenome" is actually a Majano and should be terminated right away. Take the rock that he is on out of the tank and bake it in the oven. You may think this is overkill which it is but if I am right that one Majano will turn into hundreds in a matter of months and you will be ready to PIBTAWA.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    BTW you can add the pictures as large photos so peeps don't have to click on them to look at them. People like Melev are too lazy to click and look. Tell us about that light fixture.. is it LED?
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    thats awesome
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    no worries about the recent posts thing, as long as you got pics we got eyes
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    love the scape
  7. gist41980's Avatar
    Sorry, the next post shall have them. Just a little summary for my first post, did not mean to mislead!
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    I can't see the pictures
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