Blog Comments

  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    but they are so cute look like little freckles
  2. melev's Avatar
    Yes, but these aren't Red Planaria. These are aeolids and feed on the mucous from the coral's surface. You can blow them off with a turkey baster, or dip the coral and then blow them off in that solution. They can grow profusely and become quite the eyesore.
  3. TBDuval's Avatar
    Those LED's don't look bad at all. They should be able to keep almost anything alive in a tank.
  4. Heathd's Avatar
    They are using bridgelux leds if I recall correctly. Bridgelux LEDs arent bad by any means. They look similar in build and size when compared to the evolution LED lights fixtures, which do just fine at keep SPS.

    The Apollo fixture should certainly be enough to keep softies and LPS alive. May want to do a quick look on youtube to see if there are any videos of them in action.
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Did you try a razor blade? I've seen some pretty tough thin algaes before.
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    you could drop the water down on your next water change and put some jewelers rouge on a damp cloth and rub it with that and see if you can get any of the high marks off. That might give you a little better idea what your up against. I still stumped after looking at the photos several time, has it always been there or is this a new thing?
  7. melev's Avatar
    With livestock in it? It'll lower the pH of the tank. You can drain the water if all you have is liverock, but I think you'll find this is going to be more than simply swiping the glass with some vinegar. However, give it a try and let us know. Maybe it is a thin coating of Kalk dust?
  8. jiml2083's Avatar
    Credit card didn't work and I am pretty religious about cleaning the outside of the tank. Any drip or finger print gets wiped up with R/O water and the stubborn stuff gets some vinegar. Could I use some vinegar on a rag wipe the inside and see what that does? The vinegar residue on the glass won't have a negative effect on the tank, correct?
  9. melev's Avatar
    I can't tell what it is either. Clean the outside with vinegar and water. Then try cleaning the inside with something made of plastic, like a credit card. Take your time and focus on one area and let us know what you discover.
  10. Jessy's Avatar
    It looks like something on the outside of the glass, like a cleaner or something that dripped there? (sorry to ask the obvious) but have you cleaned the outside of the tank with a towel and glass plus sprayed on the towel?
  11. oaksenov's Avatar
    @diablo30xp what's wrong with those algae cleaner on the magnets anyway :-)?
  12. diablo30xp's Avatar
    do u clean the glas on the inside with an algae cleaner? the ones on the magnets forgot what they r called having a big blonde moment
  13. jiml2083's Avatar
    Nope. Glass.
  14. DJ in WV's Avatar
    those dont look like critter marks to me they are to square. Is this a acrylic tank?