Blog Comments

  1. snorkeler's Avatar
    That's encouraging Matt!! I hope he is really hiding in there.

    Today I decided to prepare food with fresh ingredients for the tank for the first time, bought a Paella mix at the supermarket and intend to mix it all up with Cyclop-eeze and gelatin then freeze it.

    Hopefully when I start using this mix everyone will be better fed in the tank, and fights for food will reduce.

  2. matt_longview's Avatar
    I have a 29g with very little rockwork to hide in... and yet I rarely see my little goby. I have gone several days without seeing him... and that's in a little tank! When I first got him when I wouldn't see him for several days I would assume he was dead, but now... I know it's pretty common. :-)

    Hopefully yours is hiding as well.
  3. snorkeler's Avatar
    James: yes, I would, it wasn't hard to keep running. Of course my QT isn't top of the crop, but it works...

    Wes: that will have to wait a little :-) as I'd like GSP on that shell to grow back to a reasonable size before putting it back in the DT.
  4. Wes's Avatar
    very cool fish, im ordering an ORA one. you need to give him his shell back! lol
  5. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Nice addition. Neon gobies are a good splash of color and they add very little to the bioload.

    Based on this experience with QT, are you going to be placing future additions into QT?

  6. melev's Avatar
    snorkeler - when a LPS splits into two or more heads, usually you will see a giant bubble form over the area where they will split into two heads. The bubble will be there for two or three days. Watch your coral closely, as you may even see babies sprout out on the branches, especially where the tissue wraps the skeletal structure.

    mermark - if your image isn't too big, you can post it as an attachment with a browser like Firefox. Look for the image of a picture frame right above the editor window, and click on that. If you use Chrome, that option is different and you'd have to post the URL to the image that you've uploaded elsewhere to the web, like Photobucket.
  7. mermark's Avatar
    and your looks good electric wise as well as gene splitting lol
  8. mermark's Avatar
    i hate to ask a stupid question but i got something in my tank and its like 6 inches long and i'd like to post it, how
  9. snorkeler's Avatar
    If you buy the standard shields you can do many fun things with an Arduino! Aquarium LED lighting unfortunately isn't one of them, for that you've got to build yourself and it does consume a significant amount of time.
  10. dkbann's Avatar
    Snorkeler, the DIY LED fixtures are looking good. I can't see myself making one, although I did get myself an Arduino UNO ;-) Trying to think what I should use it for....
  11. dkbann's Avatar

    Great battle! Looking GREAT! Well done. :-)
  12. melev's Avatar
    That's generous of you. They'll be happy with any type of algae they encounter, but could grab meaty foods if the opportunity presents itself.
  13. snorkeler's Avatar
    sumpmonkey: the GSP seems to be recovering, I saw it extending a little its polyps yesterday (very little, but extending)! Thanks for the offer, but now I have hope that hardy one will survive!

    melev: the DT is about 180L (it is a 60cm cube with about 10cm substrate, that would be 50G in a 23in cube with 4in substrate, small). If they start getting aggressive towards my corals (just a Zoa, a Palithoa and a Hammer) I'll start feeding them shrimp pieces.
  14. melev's Avatar
    That looks great! Four crabs in how big a system?

    - we've all had to deal with tank crashes. You get the opportunity to set up a new tank with better fail-safes and in time a new reef will emerge in your home again. Be sure to share your experience with us when you are ready.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Snorkeler, I'm glad to see the crabs are doing a great job. Ya tank is looking good!
  16. Sumpmonkey's Avatar
    Wow holy battle crabs batman.They did good work.Let me know how your GSP does if it don't make it i can send you some when the weather warms up still cold up here in moosejaw
  17. snorkeler's Avatar
    Four crabs, but one was quite small when he arrived, so maybe I should say 3.5 :-)
  18. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Nice progress! How many crabs did you add to ensure these kind of results?
  19. snorkeler's Avatar
    Dwight, just posted a quick picture update which will give a good idea of progress. Check it out in the main blog page.
  20. snorkeler's Avatar
    Hi Dwight, I've been without time to post new status (trying to consistently sleep around 22:30... in order to be awake enough for quiet time in the morning), but the battle is going very well.

    Most of the Valonias are gone, although there are a few here and there. If I did a few sessions of manual removal I could probably remove all those on the rocks. I'll try to get some pictures that show before and after.

    My Palithoa is growing, there are two new heads now, and my Hammer is slowly growing/dividing from one to two heads. That is progress!!! All that still with my horrible lighting (I'm very late in building my DIY LED fixture), and without Cheato in the refugium (haven't been able to get a bunch of it yet) therefore I haven't reached my aspired "ultra low nutrient" situation.

    The GSP however was devoured by one of the Mithrax crabs. I'm a little concerned he might get an appetite for Zoas or Palithoas... those corals are semi-poisonous so it is probably unlikely that happens. Anyway, if it does I'll probably start feeding it with raw shrimp pieces every night to ensure it's satisfied.
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