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New Additions

  1. Neon Goby M.I.A. .....

    That nice little neon goby who just joined the DT is missing in action... he was last seen on Wednesday, by my wife, who saw him dart upwards followed by the sound of splashing water...

    The tank is covered so it isn't possible to jump out, but he might have jumped into the central overflow column. Today I tried opening completely the overflow valve to empty it and force him out, but he didn't appear in the sump.... so, I'm afraid he might have died and was already eaten up by his ...
  2. Neon Goby added after quarantine

    Thirty five days ago I bought a Neon Goby from my LFS1 and decided to try my first quarantine (despite that LFS being trustworthy to always quarantine their fish). The little guy did well inside my Boyu MT-30 quarantine tank despite the temperature swings, the not-as-frequent-as-I-should feedings and lack of light (which I guess he doesn't care for).

    He survived and didn't have any signs of disease, so today I decided it was time for him to move into my main tank. I fed him, fed the ...
    New Additions
  3. Hammer splitting + Some progress on LED DIY fixture

    Two weeks ago I had the impression my hammer coral (one ployp) was getting fatter.... well, today I am pretty sure it is splitting into two polyps! That might seem "so what?" to you, but feels very rewarding to me. It is the first stony coral in the tank that not only survived in my water and lighting but is also growing (had one Acan polpy that died, three Trumpet polyps that also died and another hammer polyp that got eaten by a rogue peppermint shrimp).

    Must be a sign ...
    Tags: hammer, led
    Lighting , ‎ Propagation - fish & corals , ‎ New Additions , ‎ DIY projects
  4. Got 4 new emerald crabs (Mithrax crabs)

    In my war against Valonias I lost an important warrior some months ago, my lone Mithrax crab (known as emerald crab to most of you of the northern hemisphere). My supplier of that crab had moved out of business and I couldn't find an LFS that had them.

    Well, two weeks ago I found a new guy from Rio de Janeiro who supplied them, at forum!! Brazilian ones, red/pink and not green but of the same shape as the green ones (my original one was pink too), which he fishes/catches ...
    Algae , ‎ New Additions
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