I have questions that need answers.
Algae! But only on one side because someone forgot to turn on ALL the lights one day. Got in on a BRS group order this week and broke the proverbial bank. That sobbing you hear is my wallet crying in the corner. ...
I got the final OK to re-quote the tanks (sump and display). So now I'm starting on the process of approaching each and every company on my list for a new quote for the tanks. The goal is to have both tanks in the house before the holidays, so we're leaving a lot of lead time to get those panes of 10.5ft glass. I have 5 places to get quotes from now; all glass, and there is now even a guy who I've heard (through the grapevine so it needs to be confirmed) that will warranty his work! ...
Last night my other half, Kevin, and I are hanging out in our basement/demo central. We were trying to make a shopping list for the hardware store so that we can finish the fishroom after the delivery of our water change tank. So our shopping list starts piling up and Kevin turns to me and says "where do you want the hole for the fan exhaust?" Way back when we had a discussion about removing the window, and bulding a vent box to sit in the frame. I thought we were still ...