Blog Comments

  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    To finish, cool! I bet it will be hard not to add water soon. But ya been planning the tank for so long maybe it won't be hard to wait a little longer. ;-)
  2. michika's Avatar
    They use a lot of silicone in the process, they brought a box initially with I think 16 or more tubes. They've gone through over half of it I believe.

    Builders are tentatively coming back tonight or tomorrow to finish the rest of the tank!
  3. Heathd's Avatar
    Looks like they laid down some nice fat beads of silicone during the construction.
  4. michika's Avatar
    Thanks! I'm so stoked to start building rock formations and stuff. This build has been two long years in the making, I'm so happy we're finally starting to see it take off.
  5. Zmckenzie's Avatar
    I have been following your thread on reefcentral! This new tank is crazy big!
  6. Zmckenzie's Avatar
    This was posted on our local clubs forum and it reminded me why I made sure our renters insurance covers aquarium spillage even if I don’t have water in the 120 yet.
  7. michika's Avatar
    Interesting no doubt, but I certainly wouldn't want it to be happening in my basement! Yes, I do have floor drains, there is one in the fishroom itself and one in the utility room behind it.
  8. melev's Avatar
    That was seriously fast. Kinda neat to see the video though.
  9. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Yikes! So much for acrylic being indestructable.

    Michika, do you have a floor drain in your basement?
  10. Heathd's Avatar
    Yea, I saw that a couple of days ago. It looks like its an acrylic tank that started to fail at the top where the bracing was.
  11. michika's Avatar
    I'll be recuiting divers shortly!
  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice progress!! When it's finish and reefed out maybe I can come and go scuba diving. :-p
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful dogs! Glad to hear ya got some of the glass too. ;-p
  14. michika's Avatar
    Thanks! She is actually a weinreimer. She looks just like a lab, but she has a much calmer disposition. She is only 8 months but acts calm enough to be 4 years.
  15. Midnight's Avatar
    Those are fantastic looking kids you got there. I love the shiny silky look of the chocolate lab.
  16. michika's Avatar
    I'm really excited to have a space to store all my stuff so its not all over the house. I also think having a dedicated room will just help keep it all contained; supplies, smells, humidity (to an extent), and keep our farm of animals away from the equipment.

    Once we're done with the room I can start thinking about organizational options. Its going to be a dream to have everything organized and easily accessible.
  17. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Wow! This is shaping up to be really spectacular when finished. I'd love to have a separate equipment room like that.

  18. melev's Avatar
    This is going to be great.
  19. michika's Avatar
    Of course I'll have my camera ready, and charged!

    Thanks for the link too.

    Since its Friday, its a work night on the tank, so I'll probably have a pile of photos later this weekend. This is my last chance to finish prepping the house and basement for the tank builders.
  20. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Sweet! you'll have the camera out for all of us right?
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