Blog Comments

  1. michika's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    i got 2in ball valve here for 10$ a piece
    Sometimes US pricing makes me jealous; this is one of those times.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    i got 2in ball valve here for 10$ a piece
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    just got back from lowes and droped 200 on pipe and fitting puts me over 500 in plumbing not count pumps hope i have most of it now not at 1300 but i dont want to get any closer. Soon as my over boxes and bulkheads get here i can get moving on some of it. i dearly hate waiting on shipped items
  4. michika's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    Holy bulkheads!! Really curious to see the plumbing done. How long is that tank?
    The tank is 10.5ft long. The plumbing is coming along, if I have some time this weekend I'll keep going with it. So far all I've done is the back 5 bulkheads; they plumb down to the valves and stop there for now.
  5. michika's Avatar
    Thanks! I'm super happy with the display. We're going to have the same company build our sump for us after the water test is completed.

    The rock is from a Canadian dealer called Eco-Rock. They ship in 100lb increments for a flat rate shipping included. A lot of people have been really pleased with them. I love them, the guy gave me my pick of sizes and shapes, they came really well packaged. You can see where I started to pile the rock in the tank, and then I realized that I don't have near enough rock. The tank size seems so much smaller when I say 3ft then when I look at it. It will probably take 200lbs alone to make the pillar I want in front of the overflow.

    There is a bunch of plumbing not photographed in the above; stuff for the leg tank, and stuff for the sump and skimmer. I think above you're looking at probably $800-$950 of the purchased plumbing. I'm including the shipping charges from BRS in that $1300 number as well. The rigid PVC is also missing from the photos, but we all know what sticks of that looks like. Stuff is more expensive up here to buy local as well so that might also distort a true cost comparison. We can expect to pay $60 locally for 1x2" valve, and that is a local "wholesaler" price.

    I'm happy we're rolling again. The derby season starts in two weeks with a kickoff game and we've been so busy lately the tank has been neglected. I have to do a huge basement clean out and scrubbing tonight/tomorrow so we can get some minor stuff done and measure for a tank room door, etc.
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Holy bulkheads!! Really curious to see the plumbing done. How long is that tank?
  7. melev's Avatar
    Great to see you making real progress. It's been a while, but I don't even remember seeing pictures of your display actually built and done. That looks great.

    I still don't see $1300 in plumbing parts, but you are going to have a lot of plumbing with dual closed loops. I hope you enjoy your new system soon. What's the plan?

    Where's the rock from? Looks like Marco Rock.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Great to see you making real progress. It's been a while, but I don't even remember seeing pictures of your display actually built and done. That looks great.

    I still don't see $1300 in plumbing parts, but you are going to have a lot of plumbing with dual closed loops. I hope you enjoy your new system soon. What's the plan?

    Where's the rock from? Looks like Marco Rock.
  9. dahenley's Avatar
    i like overflow box.

    looks good!
  10. michika's Avatar
    I have far too many expensive hobbies! Cars, reefing, body mods/ expensive.

    Sometimes it just takes a bit longer to get to where you going. I am super meticulous about money so hobbies only get the leftover cash after bills, retirement savings, groceries, etc.
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one with other expensive hobbies besides reefing.
  12. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I feel your pain but i can say that this is a cheap hobby compared to project vehicles, last motor i build set me back 7k us. Being a gearhead and a reefer are the same in you always want to take to that next lvl and its omg costly
  13. michika's Avatar
    Aside from the above photo; a bunch of sticks of 1 1/2", and 2", bulkheads for hopefully everything, valves in 1 1/2" and 2", and I think thats it. Its such a small list, but there is like 12 or 15 of everything. There are also some misc. parts to connect up the hose to do the water fill and for any future drainage needs. It adds up pretty quickly!

    The above photo plus 4 sticks of 1 1/2" cost $128!

    I can practically hear my wallet sobbing in my purse right now. Although it may have something to do with the fact that I am debating ordering my Oceans Motions today, but its in a three way tie with a new oven & dishwasher, or a new engine for my project car.
  14. melev's Avatar
    $1300? I realize that's Canadian dollars, but still... I thought the black PVC I bought was pricey. What did you get?
  15. Midnight's Avatar
    Where is the overflow going to be? Oh never mind I found it.
  16. michika's Avatar
    Its getting there, I think if I could just spend a solid 3-4 hours working on it things would just flow a bit better, oh well, such is life.

    I play Roller Derby. I play on a house team and our travel team. This year I was the "lucky" girl who is going to transition from being a blocker (agile, fair paced with good recovery for frequent bursts of speed and power) to being a jammer/blocker (speedy, agile, manuverable, and stable). Its killing me so far, practice is 15 hours of week on skates, plus 5 hours a week off. So far my body hates me.
  17. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Welcome back! Looks like you've made some good progress.

    So what high endurance sport do you do?
  18. michika's Avatar
    Many, although I seem to be trapped by laziness lately....maybe later today.
  19. brotherd's Avatar
    Any updates yet?
  20. michika's Avatar
    Its actually very hard not to. I've been very good about staying away from the tank since the builders brought the glass in. I really want to go out and buy bulkheads and all the valves I need, but I'm trying to exercise my self control and wait until after the holidays.
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