Blog Comments

  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Kilz makes a primer they recommend using on bare wood to seal it before the final color coat.
  2. michika's Avatar
    Thanks for trying to fix it!

    I love looking at Kickstarter for ideas, it really gets the creativity flowing. You should try it! I have a project I'm working on that I think I might like to try crowdsourcing with.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Well, I tried to fix the embedding code, but it only looks right in the editor. Once saved, it didn't work. That's a squirrelly site to grab code from, unfortunately. Getting just the video URL address and putting it in the Video brackets didn't work.

    Nifty idea, and look at how much was pledged vs what they wanted up front. I need to get something on that site, it seems.
  4. tikireefer's Avatar
    Wow......very cool. They need to mount the camera on that Sea Turtle and let him do the mapping! A 100 years or more of mapping!
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Cool! Now I don't have to travel or get a dive rating, I can just sit home on my computer.
    Seriously though, very cool.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Thanks for finding this, it's pretty amazing!
  7. melev's Avatar
    It embedded fine. You just can't tell with Preview-mode. Paste in the Long URL of the video in the Video Clip icon's window, and when you submit, it shows up correctly & viewable.
  8. michika's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    What kind of sand is that?
    It's a corse aragonite sand. It took forever to rinse and clean.
  9. melev's Avatar
    What kind of sand is that?
  10. cruelle's Avatar
    If you can't get Coralvue to send it north of the border try they have a wide range of pumps and that is how I replaced my pump about a week ago.
  11. michika's Avatar
    It was just plywood, a length that was left over from an older project actually. The wood just kept sucking the paint in over and over. You'd put your coats on, it'd look great, it'd dry, and then you'd start to see some of the crazy absorption. Some wood got 5 coats, some got 6 over about two weeks. I've never previously used Kilz on wood, just on drywall, so I'm really not sure if this is normal or not, but it does kind of fall in line with what I saw when I re-finished my kitchen this summer.

    I'll get in touch with Coralvue and maybe they can point me to someone who can ship north of the border. Thanks!
  12. Midnight's Avatar
    I can't believe the kilz didn't do the job in two coats, what were you painting over? Have you tried finding a replacement pump on coralvue's website, I am sure they can ship to Canada?
  13. michika's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by joeogio
    cool fish! what kind is it? haven't seen one quite like it
    He's actually a regal tang, looks like a regular black and blue one 90% of the time.
  14. melev's Avatar
    You've really taken your time with this project, much longer than I could have ever dreamed of. Hopefully this will pick up steam once more.
  15. joeogio's Avatar
    cool fish! what kind is it? haven't seen one quite like it
  16. gettareef's Avatar
    Very beautiful fish you got there. Billybob's a keeper!
  17. maroun.c's Avatar
    Hey Michika,
    Glad to see updates on your tank, Hope to see it running soon.
    Looks like the baffles are too close to each other (I'm sure Marc will be the one to check with on this) and that the middle baffle goes too close to the bottom which will make the flow throught he baffles fastger than you want to allow air bubbles to escape?
  18. melev's Avatar
    Sounds nice.
  19. michika's Avatar

    I'll take you some better shots this weekend once we get the sump in place. So the middle baffle doesn't really go to the bottom, it is cut out at the bottom to allow water flow. The edges are polished too!
  20. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, I think you have her panicking now
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